I’m here to entertain you, but only during my shift September 30th Baxter St CCNY Open by appointment (baxterst@cameraclubny.org) Tues – Sat 10-6pm Baxter St…
BFA Fine Arts Senior, Jacqueline Tsang recently showcased work in an augmented reality exhibition entitled ‘Synchrony’. The exhibition was hosted by Barcelona-based gallery Amuleto…
An Online Celebration, launching May 18, 2020 URL: https://amt.parsons.edu/finearts/2020mfathesis/ Parsons School of Design at The New School is pleased to launch the 2020 MFA Fine Arts…
Casa Comun, Rectory of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal // May 14-June 27, 2021 TRAVESSIA (an experimental, expanded documentary project co-created by Susan Meiselas in…
MFA Fine Arts alumni Nina Chanel Abney is interviewed in this week’s New Yorker Magazine and her work is featured on the cover. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cover-story/nina-chanel-abneys-happy-hours
Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST Zoom Link: https://NewSchool.zoom.us/j/92262441857 Michael Rakowitz is an artist living and working in Chicago. Concerned with history and current…
Harpers Bazaar Presents: How the Studio Museum in Harlem Transformed the Art World Forever, featuring Parsons Fine Arts Faculty Saya Woolfalk and AMT Alum Sable…