Artist BioMoscow born artist based in New York, Daria (Žest’) Zhestyreva creates her work in variety of media including painting, 3D, interactive installation, and animation. Her diverse interest in natural science, arts, and literature crated a large field of study and allowed to investigate far bits of surroundings.
2017 MFA Fine Art Thesis Walkthrough- Daria Zhestyreva from Parsons Art, Media & Technology on Vimeo.

Digital Oracle, 2017. Inkjet print on scroll, 240 x 40 inches.
The image featuring google results with «the future» in the search tab revealed for me what most people expect from the future, and breaking down the imagery of the search results reveals peoples emotional expectations reflected in the color pallet, as well as some identifiable portions of the found images. The piece was cascadely torn with a simple image processing algorithm, visually describing waves and thought process of future existence.

Digital Oracle (detail), 2017. Inkjet print on scroll, 240 x 40 inches.

(nb1.jpg, nb8.jpg) Daria Zhestyreva, Vladimir Shlygin, { String[] nucleobases = { "C","G","A","T" }; ArrayList copies = new ArrayList(); StringList nucleotides = new StringList(); PImage reference; int generations = 100; int lng; int pixStep = 50; int rnaLng = 20; int mutationRate = 80; boolean abort = false; void setup() { size(500,500); colorMode(HSB); lng = width*height/(pixStep*pixStep); reference = loadImage("ref.jpg"); image(reference, 0, 0); noStroke(); fill(150,0,0); // DNA-RNA int rnaStart = int(random(0,lng-rnaLng)); int rnaEnd = rnaStart+rnaLng; int firstbase = int(random(0,nucleobases.length-1)); nucleotides.append(nucleobases[firstbase]); dna(); println("ST",join(nucleotides.array(),"")); transcription(rnaStart,rnaEnd); for (int i=0; i<generations; i++) { if (!abort) { rna(rnaStart); } else { break; } } println("mRNA location: ",rnaStart," – ",rnaEnd); // CHECK ALL VALUES PImage processed = reference.copy(); image(reference, 0, 0); // PImage str = stretch(reference, 0,0, 100, 100,200, 100); // image(str,0,0); int filename = 0; for (int n=0; n<copies.size(); n++) { String[] nu = copies.get(n).array(); for (int i=0; i<nu.length; i++) { int x = i % (height/pixStep); int y = int(i/(width/pixStep)); int cx = pixStep/2 + x*pixStep; int cy = pixStep/2 + y*pixStep; if (nu[i] == "A") { processed = twirl(processed,pixStep, 10, 70, cx,cy); } if (nu[i] == "T") { PImage repl = replicate(processed,pixStep, x*pixStep,y*pixStep); processed.blend(repl, 10,10, repl.width,repl.height, int(random(0,width)),int(random(0,height)), repl.width, repl.height, NORMAL); } if (nu[i] == "G") { int nextG = 0; if (i<nu.length) { for (int ci=1; cii-nu.length; ci--) // // if (nu[ci] == "G") { // // nextG = ci; // break; // } // // } // } println(i,nextG); int gx = (nextG % (height/pixStep)) *pixStep; int gy = (int(nextG/(width/pixStep)))*pixStep; processed = stretch(processed, cx,cy, pixStep, gx,gy,20); } // if (nu[i] == "C") { // // stroke(255); fill(0,0,255); rect(200,200,20,20); // // } } filename++; processed.save("pr-"+filename+".jpg"); } image(processed, 0, 0); } void draw() {} (DETAIL), 2016, Inkjet prints on matte paper

(nb1.jpg, nb8.jpg) Daria Zhestyreva, Vladimir Shlygin, { String[] nucleobases = { "C","G","A","T" }; ArrayList copies = new ArrayList(); StringList nucleotides = new StringList(); PImage reference; int generations = 100; int lng; int pixStep = 50; int rnaLng = 20; int mutationRate = 80; boolean abort = false; void setup() { size(500,500); colorMode(HSB); lng = width*height/(pixStep*pixStep); reference = loadImage("ref.jpg"); image(reference, 0, 0); noStroke(); fill(150,0,0); // DNA-RNA int rnaStart = int(random(0,lng-rnaLng)); int rnaEnd = rnaStart+rnaLng; int firstbase = int(random(0,nucleobases.length-1)); nucleotides.append(nucleobases[firstbase]); dna(); println("ST",join(nucleotides.array(),"")); transcription(rnaStart,rnaEnd); for (int i=0; i<generations; i++) { if (!abort) { rna(rnaStart); } else { break; } } println("mRNA location: ",rnaStart," – ",rnaEnd); // CHECK ALL VALUES PImage processed = reference.copy(); image(reference, 0, 0); // PImage str = stretch(reference, 0,0, 100, 100,200, 100); // image(str,0,0); int filename = 0; for (int n=0; n<copies.size(); n++) { String[] nu = copies.get(n).array(); for (int i=0; i<nu.length; i++) { int x = i % (height/pixStep); int y = int(i/(width/pixStep)); int cx = pixStep/2 + x*pixStep; int cy = pixStep/2 + y*pixStep; if (nu[i] == "A") { processed = twirl(processed,pixStep, 10, 70, cx,cy); } if (nu[i] == "T") { PImage repl = replicate(processed,pixStep, x*pixStep,y*pixStep); processed.blend(repl, 10,10, repl.width,repl.height, int(random(0,width)),int(random(0,height)), repl.width, repl.height, NORMAL); } if (nu[i] == "G") { int nextG = 0; if (i<nu.length) { for (int ci=1; cii-nu.length; ci--) // // if (nu[ci] == "G") { // // nextG = ci; // break; // } // // } // } println(i,nextG); int gx = (nextG % (height/pixStep)) *pixStep; int gy = (int(nextG/(width/pixStep)))*pixStep; processed = stretch(processed, cx,cy, pixStep, gx,gy,20); } // if (nu[i] == "C") { // // stroke(255); fill(0,0,255); rect(200,200,20,20); // // } } filename++; processed.save("pr-"+filename+".jpg"); } image(processed, 0, 0); } void draw() {} (DETAIL), 2016, Inkjet prints on matte paper

Array/Scatter/Vortex, 2016. Oil on canvas, 63 x 53 inches.

Prototype 2, foam cut sculpture, 2016

Prototype 2 (back), foam cut sculpture, 2016

Painting, 2015. Interactive installation.
A painting creating an interactive dialog between itself and the viewer, when someone approaches it, it picks up motion and responds with a "painterly" gesture, breaking it’s way trough space of the 2D world, and filling in the other dimension. The pice sarcastically questions values of the familiar space in which classic paintings are framed.
How to navigate through hyperspace? Don’t feel photonic anymore! Blast off when you are ready. Actually, don’t even consider yourself unprepared, set your mind to infinity and your body to spaghettification. Where was that borderline of being and not being self? No, no, it really has been. Adding N dimensions in a progression to the initial part will bring us further in calculating the exposure of experience. An N-dimensional sphere of obtained knowledge is constantly figuring, and its plains thinly seep through one another, so, my dear individual, try not to get stuck for a moment, follow the rapid threading through the sieve of different fields! You have an option to rearrange the synthesis of time: make a step to clean past. Memory is your only friend — clear picture of the past and the present. Memory loss is your worst enemy, a loss of self, past and future, but it is a possibility of new. Extrapolate yourself if you dare! The continuity suggests the perpetual, but I break it down into pieces and extract a specific extent of the movement, it’s made possible just for you! Be sure to take over the complexity of multi-dimensional planes, the motion of particles can make you dizzy. Prototype the digital! Proceed with caution. Some parts of your journey will cause fluctuations in the meaningless stream of reality. No results guarantied. Enjoy.