I have an illusion 2020.12
Felt, Ink

1/27 2021
Arcylic on Paper

1/27 2021
Arcylic on Paper

WRONG 2020
Acrylic, Plastic yarn on Canvas

Body Print 1 2021
Water Color, Acrylic on Silk

Boday Print 2 2021
Water Color, Acrylic on Silk

Boday Print 3 2021
Water Color, Acrylic on Silk
In my view, a person is defined by both body and mind. Emotions are crucial and
non-deterministic, yet so elusive that they are often neglected. Creating an atmosphere, using art to connect and heal, is significant to my artistic practice. I let the conflict between the body and psyche play out on the canvas to create opportunities for healing and self-inflection. Too often, we ignore our
emotions under a destabilizing modern society where everything is so fast-pace and uncertain. But, being a sensitive person, I always feel empathetic with the lives around me. As such, I reflect and dissect the influence of the social environment on human psychology through my art and bring comfort to lonely souls. Abstract expression encourages interpretations from different perspectives. Through diverse mediums, my work combines performance art, and traditional painting.