Making My Own Happiness (2019)
30 X 30 in
Velvet, rhinestone, gold leaf, cotton, acrylic paint

$uddman (2019
36 X 48 in
Rhinestone, sequins, velvet, cotton, acrylic paint

EAT! (2019)
36 X 48 in
Acrylic gouache, rhinestone, shag

Intersubjective (2020)
Oil and mixed media on panel
I am interested in the idea of art being innately human and an essential part of our livelihood. I firmly believe life cannot exist without some form of art. I work to explore this idea of art being a key component to life and am interested in the individual ways this can manifest. I approach the work in such a way that allows for the thoughts and exchanges between me and the work to come naturally rather than working with a preconceived idea. There is constant discovery of both myself and my work through this method of conversation.
Recently my works have taken on a very glamorous aesthetic property, including mediums like rhinestones, gold leaf, and sequins. The work has previously existed strictly in the form of the two dimensional, but recently I have begun to explore more immersive mediums using three and four dimensions. I am actively working to understand the “ why” behind my reasons for using these mediums, outside of the simple fact that they are just attractive materials. I speculate that this may come from my background in dance, but I also believe there is a more unconscious and natural human reason that everyone (including myself) enjoys shiny and sparkly things. I feel that sometimes art tends to get caught up in the conceptual and neglects the aesthetic and pleasing element that art can hold.