ReBody Window Show


Featuring works by 

Tianyi Sun / Darian Stewart / carolina muñoz awad / Lily Moebes / Paula Martin Rivero

Curated by Josephine Graf 

Sheila Johnson Design Center Lobby windows facing 5th Avenue and 13th Street

October 5th – November 8th, 2021, 24h (no access to The New School necessary to see the work)

Installed in the windows of the Sheila Johnson Design Center, Re-Body presents the work of 

five Parsons Fine Arts graduate students. Site-specific and merging sculptural and 2D elements, each work is envisioned for the particularities of the windows in which it hangs: visible from both sides, and exposed to the public life of the street. These windows are sites of porosity between the building and the street, allowing for an exchange of glances; but they also delineate interior and exterior, parsing bodies inside the institution from those outside. A related question of how to situate the body—in its exuberance, vulnerability, and disappearance—emerges in each of the five works. In some, the body expands with joy, while in others, it is acknowledged through its painful absence—its disembodiment. These artwork themselves become a way of giving body: of celebrating form or mourning its loss. Located in a lobby that has, since this project began, been converted into a COVID-19 testing site, they remind us of the ways in which no life can truly be represented—in fact far exceeds—the data, metrics, and measurements that might record it.