Teeth (top row), February 2020
1” x 0.25”

Panopticrown, February 2020
1” x 0.5”

Invisible Woman, November 2019
32” x 36”
String, acrylic, canvas

חיי חוה, May 2019
Resin, dye, clay, glass, wire, varnish, metal
6” x 6’

חיי חוה (detail), May 2019
Resin, dye, clay, glass, wire, varnish, metal
6” x 6’

Self Portrait, March 2019
Clay, fabric, paint, gravel
15” x 5”
My work explores the space between beauty and discomfort through the human body.
Living with multiple mental illnesses offers me a different perspective of the world, a
perspective where beauty is more vibrant, but the discomfort runs deeper. I address
the body through both wearable pieces and pieces meant only for display and viewing.
The meticulous attention to detail present in my work is reflective of the meditative state
that my practice provides me. Using painting, sculpture, and jewelry techniques, I
attempt to provide the viewer with some insight as to how I experience my daily life.