Artist BioJie Shao (b. 1994) is a Chinese artist working with installation and video, currently based in New York.

1-4 Component M, 2020
38" × 62" × 7.5" each

1-4 Component M, 2020
38" × 62" × 7.5" each

1-4 Component M, 2020
38" × 62" × 7.5" each

1-4 Component M, 2020
38" × 62" × 7.5" each

5-8 Component No,2, 2019
Formular, steel, paper Flexible

5-8 Component No,2, 2019
Formular, steel, paper Flexible

5-8 Component No,2, 2019
Formular, steel, paper Flexible

5-8 Component No,2, 2019
Formular, steel, paper Flexible
Artist Statement
Jie Shao works on installation, video and sculpture to convey the potential experience of our lives in various systems.
Manufacturing, accuracy, and being meticulous is how we create many systems. By deconstructing an existing production system, Jie’s current work, Components I to M, recreates a space to interrogate a system’s logic. Disassembling the concepts of efficiency and productivity, Shao uses molds, tools and mechanisms to explore the counter-reaction to human subjects in the production system. Each part of the work echoes reality in systems of labor, time and rule. He reveals these systems to be composed by the parts which independently represent alienation.
This work examines the relationship between part and whole. Inspired by the concept of assembly between industrial components, assembly is the activation between the components and the whole in the work. The whole work also appears able to return to the place they hold in reality.
Instagram: @shaojie____