Jonah Groeneboer is a 2024 Creative Capital Awardee

Fine Arts faculty member Jonah Groeneboer has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Creative Capital “Wild Futures: Art, Culture, Impact” Awards in Visual Arts.

J Jan Groeneboer, Double Mouth Feedback, Courtesy MoMA PS1

Jonah has been awarded the grant for his project, The Sound We Make Together.

From Creative Capital’s website: “The Sound We Make Together (working title) is a multichannel sound installation based on recordings of participant’s responses to prompts and questions (as well as archival selections) about gender that centers transgender and non-binary experience. This project will also address the current wave of anti-trans political violence in the United States. Materially, Groeneboer will use sound wave patterns, interference phenomena, and vocal superposition to structure the composition, as well as sculptural interventions in the architecture of the exhibition space to extend these acoustic effects.” Read more about The Sound We Make Together here.

Congratulations, Jonah!