Monthly Archives: May 2024


Fall 2024. Advanced Practice: Material as Metaphor

CRN 14563 PGFA 5310 A Time: Thurs. 9am – 2:40pm Faculty: IV Castellanos Course Description:  Contemporary sculptural practice confronts us in our physical space, and…


Fall 2024. Adv. Practice: Undrawing 

CRN: 14564 PGFA 5303 A Time: Thursday 4-6:40pm Faculty: Selena Kimball Course Description: In this Advanced Practice class we will probe the traditional boundaries of…


Fall 2024. Adv Practice: Decolonize Time

CRN: 9636 PGFA 5301 A Time: Thurs. 7 – 9:40 PM Faculty: zavé martohardjono Course Description: Decolonize Time explores contemporary artists whose time-based works radically…


Fall 2024. X-Seminar: Artist as Curator

CRN: 17143 PSAM 5760 A Time: Fri. 12:10 – 2:50 PM Faculty: Michelle Levy  Course Description: This course explores the ways that curating can expand…


Fall 2024. Adv Practice: Ceramic Alchemy

CRN: 5898 PGFA 5302A  Friday: 4pm – 6:40pm Faculty: Leah Wolff Course Description: This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to clay, covering its…