48" X 48"
Watercolour, white acrylic and gold leaf
May 2020

Don Giovanni
48" X 48"
Watercolour, white acrylic and gold leaf
May 2020

Inkjet print
April 2021

Self portrait
36" X 48"
Mixed media photography
Nov 2020

Love Invitation
Inject Print
April 2021

"Too little too much"
HD video duration
1 :14 mins March 2021

En silencio
Inkjet print
April 2021

Inkjet print
April 2021
I use symbolic portraits as a means of exploring the essence of emotion in its most vulnerable expression. Either through paintings or photography in which there is symbolic language tied to dream interpretation and mythology as ways to portray emotions of displacement, of survival and of
the construction of self identity. As well as minimalistic visual poems in which there is normally a single action in an unaltered frame, and the only disruption is either in the way time happens (backwards, slowed or faster) and with a displacement in sound.
What I create inexorably contains me, my essence, my thoughts, those that I understand and those that are still in formation. They reflect different layers that compose my identity and experience: The experience of a woman, a latina, an immigrant, a survivor and all of the complexities that integrates my singularity. My works become that shadow that follows me to show me in an indirect way more of who I am.
My creative process and my works are a reflection of the active surrender of allowing myself to be transparent in my way of creating, without judging or limiting it with the conscious mind. Allowing unconscious symbols to emerge, to be later observed as a coded map of the internal reaIity they represent.