Guan Xiao

March 3, 2021 3PM

Guan Xiao, born in 1983, currently works and lives in Beijing. The art practice of Guan Xiao mainly focuses on sculpture, video, and installations. Through “highly-collaging”, based on various subjects, Guan Xiao assimilates her own identity, history, and geographical background into virtual characters or species, imbuing them with a new literal identity. She attempts to emphasize the importance of difference by creating contradictions between material and concept. Her work has been featured at Kunstmuseum St. Gallen(CH); Bonner Kunstverein(DE); ICA, London; CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art of Bordeaux (FR); Jeu de Paume (FR); M HKA Museum of Contemporary Art (BE); the K11 Art Foundation, Shanghai;  São Paulo Art Biennial (2021);  57th Venice Biennale (2017);  9th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (2016); 13e Biennale de Lyon (2015); 2015 Triennial: Surround Audience, New Museum, New York (2015). Her work is also in the collections of Museum Ludwig (DE); Kunstmuseum St. Gallen (CH).