Kevin Quiles Bonilla’s Exhibition at Baxter Street

MFA Fine Arts alum Kevin Quiles Bonilla’s exhibition, A small patch of sand, yet it holds so much, is now on view at Baxter Street (126 Baxter Street, NYC 10013), from June 20 to July 31, 2024.

Kevin Quiles Bonilla, islotes (perpetual vaivén; empty plane to Florida), 2024, Sand on chromogenic print

From the exhibition’s press release: “The exhibition will feature photographic installations that invite audiences to consider the role of colonialism in perpetuating states of debility and disablement through cultural extraction, exploitation, and geopolitical instability. As a Puerto Rican artist living between the island and New York, Quiles Bonilla’s works focus specifically on the Puerto Rican diaspora, the long history of colonization, which dates back over 500 years, and the island’s current realities as a U.S. colony. Archival family photographs and materials such as sand, blue FEMA tarps, and beach towels printed with images of life after hurricane disasters, are incorporated into the works and juxtaposed with imagery and rhetoric associated with tourism.”

This summer, you can also visit Kevin and Zaq Landsberg’s collaborative artwork, For centuries, and still…(anticipated completion), at Nolan Park on Governors Island.

Kevin Quiles Bonilla in collaboration with Zaq Landsberg, For centuries, and still…(anticipated completion), 2022, Plywood, foam, plaster resin, paint, plexiglass

Visit Kevin’s website here! Congratulations, Kevin!