Fall 2024. X-Seminar: Artist as Curator

CRN: 17143 PSAM 5760 A

Time: Fri. 12:10 – 2:50 PM

Faculty: Michelle Levy 

Course Description:

This course explores the ways that curating can expand and strengthen an individual artist’s practice. It delves into the creative and conceptual frameworks for artists’ curatorial approaches– from contextualizing one’s work and community building to using the exhibition as an artistic medium. Students will build on research and discussion to develop and present a physical exhibition at the end of the semester. 

We will read/listen to texts by Elena Filipovic, Helen Molesworth, Wanda Nanibush, Risë Wilson, Maria Lind, Jennifer Gonzales, and others, exploring curatorial theories and the various manifestations and functions of the artist-curator. We will look at a range of artist-curated exhibitions and projects by artists such as Adam Pendleton, Yevgeniy Fiks, Nicolas Dumit Estevez Rafal, Maria Hupfield, and Park McArthur, and conduct site visits and case studies of artist-led spaces and initiatives such as Canada Gallery, New Red Order, Soloway, e-Flux, and DIS. Based on these models, students will collectively curate and produce an exhibition of work by local artists, receiving hands-on experience (i.e. production timeline, exhibition design, text and promotion, installation) to bring an exhibition to fruition. Simultaneously, each student will work independently to develop a proposal for a curatorial project directly aligned with their artistic practice that will be ready to submit for opportunities by the end of the semester.