Author Archives: faweb

MFA Fine Arts Alum, Julie Laenkholm ’15, Launches Solo Exhibition in Copenhagen

Galleri Nicolai Wallner is pleased to present Omsorg, their first solo exhibition with Julie Laenkholm, MFA Fine Arts ’15. Julie’s practice has its roots in the…

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Jacqueline Tsang, BFA Fine Arts ’21, Featured in Augmented Reality Exhibition, ‘Synchrony’

  BFA Fine Arts Senior, Jacqueline Tsang recently showcased work in an augmented reality exhibition entitled ‘Synchrony’. The exhibition was hosted by Barcelona-based gallery Amuleto…

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Haleigh Nickerson, MFA Fine Arts Class of 2017, Featured on Medium

“Soul Out the Blocks”, Haleigh Nickerson, 2017   Haleigh Nickerson, MFA class of 2017 was recently featured on Medium. Check out the interview and profile…

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MFA Fine Arts Class of 2020 Featured in Hyperallergic

Work by Luna Jiang Garcia, MFA FA ’20 Artists and recent graduates of MFA Fine Arts ’20 were featured in Hyperallergic for their online exhibition,…

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American Artist, MFA Alum and Parsons’ Faculty, Featured in Hyperallergic

  MFA FA alum, and Fine Arts/DT faculty, American Artist, was recently featured in Hyperallergic. Check out the interview here!

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Work of MFA Fine Arts ’20 Graduates Featured in Gallerie Magazine

Work by Caroline Garcia, MFA FA ’20 (video still) Artists and recent graduates of MFA Fine Arts ’20 were featured in Gallerie Magazine. Check out…

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Kevin Quiles Bonilla, MFA Fine Arts ’18, Featured on Hyperallergic

  You can find Kevin’s artist feature on Hyperallergic here!  

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MFA Fine Arts ’20 Graduates Featured on Artsy

  Artists and recent graduates of MFA Fine Arts ’20 were featured on Artsy. Check out their featured online exhibition “Logistics of Exchange”

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Recent Fine Arts Graduates, Jess Saldana (MFA ’20) and Morrison Gong (BFA ’20) Featured on Unprecedentedmedia

You can watch “Love in the Time of Erosion” by Morrison and “Hold On” by Jess from the link below: These videos are made…

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MFA Fine Arts Recent Graduate Jess Saldana Featured on Hyperallergic

“The struggle of the queer art worker is inseparable from everyone else’s struggle. Acknowledging that a practice of interdependency is necessary for our communities to…

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Parsons Fine Arts 2020 MFA Thesis Exhibition – Logics of Non-Exchange

An Online Celebration, launching May 18, 2020 URL: Parsons School of Design at The New School is pleased to launch the 2020 MFA Fine Arts…

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MFA Alum and Faculty Sara Jimenez Participates in Activating Deconstructions in Dance and Performance

Activating Deconstructions in Dance and Performance Friday, May 1, 7PM Interdisciplinary performance makers Sara Jimenez and Zavé Martohardjono will discuss their embodied approaches to invisible…

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MFA Alum Taiku Shiferaw Presents in Solo Exhibition of New Works at Frieze Art Fair

Explore and collect art from the world’s leading galleries Frieze Viewing Room is an ambitious new digital initiative that will launch with an online edition of…

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