My work explores the liminal space where consciousness and unconsciousness intersect—those fleeting moments before sleep or upon waking, where control over thought and imagery slips away. By capturing this tension, I aim to evoke the elusive boundary between the virtual and the real, blending gradients and forms to create figures that resist clear identification. Through overlapping scenes rich with subtle emotions, I merge fragmented moments into a single, cohesive image. Repetition intertwines with the unfamiliar, crafting a surreal, dreamlike atmosphere that feels both intimate and disorienting. My paintings resemble panoramic vistas, attempting to preserve transient scenes, emotions, and experiences within a dreamlike space. Ultimately, my work seeks to evoke the haunting yet mesmerizing quality of dreams, where the familiar becomes strange, and the strange feels eerily familiar.
Sona Lee is a Korean artist based in New York and Seoul, primarily working in painting and drawing. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Konkuk University in Seoul and is a Master of Fine arts candidate at Parsons School of Design in New York. Her current work reconstructs surreal spaces where fragments of dreams, memories, and reality intertwine, creating layered visual narratives.