Artist BioLiyen Chen (b.1994) grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. Chen received a BFA in Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University (2016). She moved to New York in 2017 to complete her MFA in Fine Arts at Parsons School of Design.

Bug Bell, 2018
Oil on canvas, 30 x 22 inches

The Song of Bugs - Chapter Bee, 2019
Oil on canvas, 24 x 36 inches

Time For A Cicada, 2018
Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 60 inches

Not Alive, 2019
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

Fortress, 2019
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

Network, 2019
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

The Song of Bugs - Chapter Bee, 2019
Oil on canvas, 36 x 24 inches

They Smell Funny, 2018
Acrylic on canvas, 22 x 18 inches
Liyen Chen’s paintings speculate on the structure, hierarchy, and history of a fantasy universe, developed over several years, in which insects inspire all forms of creation, from organic life to architecture. Each work offers fragments of information from this other world.