Berk Cakmakci

UX (User Experience) & Man’s Ultimate Destiny My video works explore my fascination with the modern individual’s obsessive relationship with

Gabriel H. Sanchez

Early Still Lifes My recent photographs were conceived with the historical still life in mind and produced via a 4×5

Woo-Ram Jung

My work praises the beauty of the banality of object and the abstraction feature of work is the main brush

Kristin Sigurdardottir

Extension, mixed media, 2014 It’s said that we can’t apprehend time by the use of any of our physical senses.

Jonathan David Smyth

I don’t know anything about my life pre-adoption, but I’m obsessed with it. Even though my parents were always honest

Daniel Cherrin

As an artist Cherrin explores experimental and impressionistic ways of viewing and understanding human needs.  In a culture obsessed with

Craig Callison

Life Cycle I am currently working with the fitness industry as my muse and have thus become an avid collector

Michelle Claire Gevint

Urban Speculation In my work, I recreate architecture, erasing people, erasing the idea of a city, and erasing time. As

Magali Duzant

Dasein is a yearlong process in which I have made images of my own aura, or energy field, in order

Xiao Chen

Silk Road I’ve always had a passion for the past. It’s tempting to idealize it. Eventually, I may or may

Jordan Hood

Before going to Parsons, I made a lot of self-portraiture work. In many ways it was very unguided self-portraiture work

Michael Winfrey

Since arriving in New York City, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of visual information there is. My photographs

Daniel L. Williams

Reclining Figure, 30 x 45 chromogenic print, 2012    Traffic Control, 30 x 45 chromogenic print, 2013

Lara Atallah

Lara Atallah’s work is about the photographic archive and the construction of national and historical discourse.  Taking my native country,