Category Archives: Call for Entries

3×3 call for entries!

3×3 SHOWS 2010


Click here to enter

The 3×3 ProShow is the only truly international competition for illustration. No other show is as completely international. While many shows showcase the work of their own country’s illustrators, 3×3 features the best work from all over the world.

Winners will be invited to participate in the next 3×3 Illustration Directory which is mailed out free to a highly targeted list of 6,100 art directors and art buyers in the US.


This year they’ll be awarding a cash prize of $1,500 for Best of Show winner and cash value prizes of $750 for each of the gold medal winners. This year all winners will receive paper certificates suitable for framing.


Open to all art directors, editors, designers and illustrators.


This year’s categories include: Advertising, Animation, Books, Editorial, Fashion, Gallery, Institutional, Medical, Self-Promotion, Sequential, Three-Dimensional and Unpublished.

The Judges

Nicholas Blechman, Art Director, New York Times Book Review

Stephanie Glaros, Art Director, Utne

Martin Colyer, Design Director, Reader’s Digest UK

Matthew Bell, Art Director, Scotland

Sheri Gee, Art Manager, Folio Society, UK

Christopher Silas Neal

Tatsuro Kiuchi, Japan

Nigel Buchanan, Australia

Paul Wearing, UK

If you have any questions please contact Jessica at, 212 591 2566 or at the studio, 718 435 4047 between 10:30am-6:30pm EST.


Click here to enter

The 3×3 Student Show is the only truly international competition for students majoring in illustration, featuring the best work from all over the world. Top honors in their past two shows have gone to young illustrators in Germany.

Each year they receive entries from all corners of the globe, from every major art school. Whether it’s Art Center, School of Visual Arts, Ontario College of Art and Design, University College of Falmouth, Kingston University, the Royal College of Art or other leading colleges and universities.  Work is judged by illustrators who are also educators.


This year they’ll be awarding a cash prize of $1,000 for Best of Show winner and cash value prizes of $500 for each of the gold medal winners. This year all winners will receive paper certificates suitable for framing.


Open to all undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students who were attending school during the 2009 calendar year.


This year’s categories include: Advertising, Animation, Books, Editorial, Fashion, Gallery, Institutional, Medical, Self-Promotion, Sequential, Three-Dimensional and Unpublished.

The Judges

This year’s judges included illustrators/educators:

Andrzej Klimowski, Royal College of Art, UK

Geoff Grandfield, Kingston University, UK

Anke Feuchtenberger, University of Applied Science, Germany Thom Sevalrud, Sheridan Institute, Canada

Pol Turgeion, Université du Québec, Canada

Scott Bakal, Massachusetts College of Art

Marcos Chin, School of Visual Arts

Each entry is judged on a scale of 0 to 4, 4 being the best. To be included in the show an entry must be given either 3 or 4 points by a majority of the judges. To win a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal a majority of the judge’s must give the piece a score of 4 points. To receive a Best of Show more than a majority of judges must give the piece a score of no less than 4 points.


The panel for this year’s show is being selected. Details will be posted in late February.


3×3 Children’s Show Entry deadline: April 16, 2010

Call for Entries: Student Submissions for Society Illustrators 2010 and American Illustration 29

(Click on image below to enlarge and get all the important details about how Parsons Illustration students can submit to these important and prestigious illustration competitions!)

Quick Hit: Art for Gifts


Nov. 24th – Dec 13th 20009

“Give an original art piece as a gift” to someone you love, so they can feel closer to art and have art as a part of their life… That is the concept of “Art for Gifts”. With the winter holiday season coming close, Ouchi Gallery will turn into an art store for 3 weeks to exhibit and sell various artists’ works as gifts. We encourage craft artists, jewelry artists, illustrators, and postcards, t-shirts, prints designers in New York area to submit small to middle size works that will be great for gifts.  The joy you feel when your art becomes somebody’s gift. That would be the best gift for yourself too.

DEADLINE: November 15th.

Application Eligibility: Local artists and craft artists who can carry in their art to the gallery.

To Apply: Please email up to 3 pictures of your artwork to be judged including the following information of your submitting works; title, year, size, medium     to:


[Thanks for Illustration Alum Shu Okada for passing along this opportunity!]

Call for Entries: Illustrators 52!

SOI 52

ILLUSTRATORS 52 is now accepting entries online and Nora Krug, Associate Professor of Illustration, is Chair of the competition this year!

To upload your entries, please format your artwork to these specs:

72 dpi, RGB, JPEG file, 700 pixels on the longest side.

Please provide all of the appropriate credit information for each entry. THIS INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED TO BE JUDGED!


Any illustration created or initially published between October 1, 2008 and November 1, 2009 that has not been accepted in the Annual previously, is eligible. International entries are welcome. Each submission will receive consideration by every member of the jury for its category. Please be certain that the original art will be available for exhibition and can remain at the Society from January through March 2010. High-quality prints will be hung in the case of digitally created art only.


All accepted entries will be reproduced in full color in the Illustrators 52 Annual. Complete credit will accompany the image, including size, media and artist’s and/or rep’s phone number(s). The Hanging/Publication fee is required for reproduction in the book, whether or not the work was displayed in the exhibition.


Gold and Silver Medals will be presented to the illustrators and art directors whose works are judged the best in each category. Medals will be presented only if original art is available to hang in the exhibition. A high-quality print will qualify in case of digitally created work.


The Sequential Gala will take place on Friday, January 8, 2010.

The Editorial and Book Gala will take place on Friday, February 5, 2010.

The Advertising, Institutional and Uncommissioned Awards Gala will take place on Friday, March 5, 2010.

Ticket information will follow.


Sequential: January 6- January 23, 2010

Editorial and Book: January 27 – February 20, 2010

Advertising, Institutional and Uncommissioned- February 24- March 20, 2010


All work whether published or not, should be entered in one of the first six categories:

Any multi-image project for which a sequence of images is necessary to fully convey an idea or story. Examples: work that has been produced or published as comics, visual journalism or short visual narratives and picture stories, or graphic novels. Individual images from sequential may also be submitted in their respective categories. Self-published projects must be published in a run of at least 500 copies. Children’s book entries should be entered in the Book category only, not Sequential.

Examples: work commissioned by newspapers or magazines, medical and scientific journals or online magazines.

Examples: all illustrations originally commissioned for use inside or on the covers of hardbound and paperback books, including fiction and non-fiction; children’s and young adult literature and comic books. Promotional posters or advertisements depicting book art must be submitted in the book category.

Examples: illustrations for advertisements appearing in newspapers, magazines or on television; video and CD covers; brochures, fashion, point-of-purchase and packaging illustration; movie and theater posters.

Examples: work appearing on merchandise, announcements, annual reports, calendars, corporate projects, government service projects, greeting cards, newsletters, in-house publications, philatelic work and collectibles.

This includes all self-generated work such as portfolio samples, sourcebook ads and uncommissioned stock that are currently unpublished except as promotion for the artist or artist’s representative. Commissioned but un-published work appearing as self-promotion should be entered in the category for which the work was originally created. There will be no art directors or clients credited for uncommissioned works.


$30 per entry for non-members of the Society of Illustrators.

$20 for members of the Society of Illustrators entering their own illustrations.

$35 per entry for non-members of the Society of Illustrators entering Comics/Sequential

$30 for members of the Society of Illustrators entering their own Comics/Sequential

Art directors and designers pay the non-member fees.

Deadline for entry is October 30th!

Illustration by Lorenzo Mattato. Design by Arem Duplessis. Chair: Nora Krug. Co-Chair: Edel Rodriguez

Call for Visual Submissions by 12th Street magazine


12th Street, the literary magazine published by the Riggio Honors Program: Writing and Democracy, is seeking quality poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. It is also accepting submissions of photographs, paintings, or other visual material that can be reproduced in magazine format.

Prose submissions should not exceed 9,000 words and poetry submissions should not include more than seven poems. Submissions will be read anonymously. Please submit a cover sheet including your name, the title or titles of your works, and your contact information. Your name should not appear on any of the other pages of your work.

12th Street is committed to publishing the literary work of The New School’s undergraduate community. Our mission is to present literature that discusses the artist as intellectual and explores the role of the writer in the world. We want to promote literature as an engine of democracy.

12th Street is widely distributed in bookstores around the country and on the New School campus. Please send your work to no later than November 15.

Call for Entries: Buckminster Fuller Challange


The Buckminster Fuller Institute announces the call for entries to the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, an annual $100,000 prize program to support the development and implementation of a solution that has significant potential to solve humanity’s most pressing problems.  Here’s the official press release:

We all understand in part or whole the magnitude of the complex challenges facing humanity today; from climate change, energy and resource management, to keeping the ever-increasing human population fed for generations to come. Challenges of this magnitude require bold, visionary strategies; they require what Buckminster Fuller called “a design revolution”. Pieces of the complex puzzle to create an enduringly sustainable future for all are out there, but it will take more than an innovative gadget, isolated technological breakthrough, policy or process development to tackle the problems of our complex and interconnected world.

“We’re looking for comprehensive anticipatory design solutions that address multiple problems without creating new ones down the road – integrated strategies dealing with key social, economic, environmental, policy and cultural issues. Our entry criteria is deeply inspired by what Fuller termed comprehensive anticipatory design science – a methodological approach to solving complex problems that we feel holds an important key to how innovators need to be thinking about the design of strategies if they are to have a transformative effect on the system as a whole.” explains Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Director of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.

After decades of tracking world resources, innovations in science and technology, and human needs, Fuller asserted that options exist to successfully surmount the crises of unprecedented scope and complexity facing all humanity – he issued an urgent call for a design science revolution to make the world work for all.


-The deadline for entries is midnight (Eastern time) on OCTOBER 30, 2009.

-For the call for entries, instructions for how to enter, reference materials, and much more, visit:

Hazel Santino illustrates for the Vera List Art Collection

FINAL writing award poster 08.04.09

Click on the image above for a full-size version of Illustration Junior Hazel Santino’s fantastic poster illustration for the Vera List Art Collection Writing awards.  Look for the posters around the New School community soon!  We’ll also be blogging about the contest itself soon–it’s a great opportunity for students to express their analytical and/or their creative side by engaging some of the amazing art we have right here in our buildings.  So keep your eye out for those details.

Congrats, Hazel!

UMOVE Online Videodance Festival


UMOVE Online Videodance Festival
October 1-31, 2009     On the web and live at select locations

Pentacle’s Movement Media announces the First Annual UMove Online Videodance Festival from October 1-31, 2009 on the web and at select screening locations across the US and around the world in 2009-10. Submission deadline is August 15, 2009.

UMove celebrates the creativity and diversity of kinetic cinema in all its forms, from dance/film to gaming, from animation to mash-ups – created for sharing on the web, on mobile devices and on ipods.

To date, the web format for dance and kinetic-based film has been under-recognized and under-valued by dance film presenters and curators.  It’s time to give these videos a platform to receive both feedback and critical praise. UMove seeks work that is strong in concept and execution, rather than sporting fancy production values or large budgets. Film-makers are free to use a variety of high and low tech media to create their work.


If your submission is chosen you will be required to submit digital stills and a finished copy of your video on DVD (NTSC only) for screening and publicity purposes by September 15, 2009. All submissions regardless of selection will be made available for public viewing on our blog, Move the Frame.

Please visit our blog, for general rules and submission details:

Email all information to


·    Animation/Gaming- including digital animation, machinima, Second life, and Virtual Reality games.
·    Cell phone – videos made using a cell phone.
·    Gone in 60 seconds – videos under one minute long
·    Low/No Budget – videos made for under $1,000
·    Surprise me! – unique uses of dance and new media or digital technology


The First Annual UMove Online Videodance Festival will take place October 1-31, 2009. The festival will feature short dance and movement-based videos that were made specifically for the web and other new media formats including cell phones, gaming, virtual reality worlds, and mash-ups. In addition to online programming on YouTube and Movement Media’s blog, Move the Frame, the festival will include a launch party and live screenings in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, UK, and other locations to be announced.

UMove was started by three dance film-makers: Kriota Willberg, Marta Renzi, and Anna Brady Nuse (Pentacle’s Director of Movement Media) who are passionate about promoting dance film through any means possible. We seek to find the most innovative and engaging dance videos on the web and to highlight rising talent in the field.

October 1st will mark the launch of the festival online and there will be a live screening and party in New York after which the festival will tour to select locations around the country and the world in 2009-10.