Tag Archives: humanity

Call for Entries: Buckminster Fuller Challange


The Buckminster Fuller Institute announces the call for entries to the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, an annual $100,000 prize program to support the development and implementation of a solution that has significant potential to solve humanity’s most pressing problems.  Here’s the official press release:

We all understand in part or whole the magnitude of the complex challenges facing humanity today; from climate change, energy and resource management, to keeping the ever-increasing human population fed for generations to come. Challenges of this magnitude require bold, visionary strategies; they require what Buckminster Fuller called “a design revolution”. Pieces of the complex puzzle to create an enduringly sustainable future for all are out there, but it will take more than an innovative gadget, isolated technological breakthrough, policy or process development to tackle the problems of our complex and interconnected world.

“We’re looking for comprehensive anticipatory design solutions that address multiple problems without creating new ones down the road – integrated strategies dealing with key social, economic, environmental, policy and cultural issues. Our entry criteria is deeply inspired by what Fuller termed comprehensive anticipatory design science – a methodological approach to solving complex problems that we feel holds an important key to how innovators need to be thinking about the design of strategies if they are to have a transformative effect on the system as a whole.” explains Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Director of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.

After decades of tracking world resources, innovations in science and technology, and human needs, Fuller asserted that options exist to successfully surmount the crises of unprecedented scope and complexity facing all humanity – he issued an urgent call for a design science revolution to make the world work for all.


-The deadline for entries is midnight (Eastern time) on OCTOBER 30, 2009.

-For the call for entries, instructions for how to enter, reference materials, and much more, visit: http://challenge.bfi.org