setting for sculpture

self-conscious sculpture (waiting for elevator) 53 x 34 x 49 inches wood, chicken wire, cardboard, styrofoam, plaster, plaster bandages, cement, enamel, oil, painted juice box

untitled, 2018 81 x 18 x 20 inches wood, styrofoam, plaster, plaster bandages, oil, acrylic,

untitled (leaving elevator)

untitled (with ceiling on it's head), 2018 wood, chicken wire, cardboard, styrofoam, plaster, plaster bandages, cement, enamel, oil, ceiling panel

installation view of studies for sculptures 2017-2018 mixed media

study for a landscape 16 x 19 1/2" inches oil, paper, graphite, crayon on board
I make sculptures and drawings. I work with wood, polystyrene, chicken wire, plastic, plaster, cement, plaster bandages, cardboard, enamel, oil, wax, acrylic, graphite, paper. The work is made through my investment in and love of form, color, materiality and physicality. Sculpture is a challenging medium to work in. It takes up space and, when confronted with, contests the body. It is a physical object that demands a dialogue. I direct it and then it directs me. It calls for attention. It is needy. I work for the continual exploration of its possibilities.