Category Archives: Current Students

Aftertaste3–New Agendas for the Study of the Interior


It is not hard to imagine an apartment whose layout would depend no longer on the activities of the day, but on functional relationships between the rooms… It takes a little more imagination, no doubt, to picture an apartment whose layout was based on the functioning of the senses. We can imagine well enough what a gustatorium might be, or an auditorium, but one might wonder what a visuorium might look like, or an olfactorium or a palporium.

Georges Perec, “The Apartment”, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces [1974]
London: Penguin Books 1997, 31.

AFTERTASTE 3, the annual international symposium dedicated to the critical review of Interior Design, intends to provoke a discussion about the richness of the senses and their role in the comprehension of space and inhabitation. Experimental in character, this conference aims to consider projects and ideas that stem from investigations into the workings of the senses.

Writer Georges Perec famously urged us to imagine separate rooms for taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch, yet one might also inversely challenge the primacy of visual perception by bringing the more peripheral and intertwined aspects of sensory experience into focus.

AFTERTASTE 3 will feature accomplished designers, architects, and artists whose work specifically addresses the complex and still relatively unexplored role of sentient perception in the imagining of interiors.

Here’s a list of participants:

James Auger
Robert Israel
Kent Kleinman
Robert Kirkbride
Joanna Merwood-Salisbury
Charlie Morrow
Jorge Otero-Pailos
Victoria Anne Rospond
Mayer Rus
Emily Thompson
James Tichenor
Sissal Tolaas
Sabine von Fischer
Joshua Walton
Alfred Zollinger

And here is a link to the full schedule.

Aftertaste 3
Friday, April 3rd, 3-7 p.m.

and Saturday, April 4th 10-7 p.m.
Parsons The New School for Design
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium
66 5th Avenue, New York

Writing for Children Forum at the New School

Writing For Children Forum: Getting Published Panel
March 31st at  6:30 p.m.

Experts in the field of children’s book publishing discuss how to get your work published. Featuring Alvina Ling, senior editor, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; Ben Tomek, marketing associate, Reader’s Digest Children’s Publishing; and Anna Olswanger, literary agent, Liza Dawson Associates.

Moderated by Deborah Brodie, editor.

Alvin Johnson/J. M. Kaplan Hall
66 West 12th Street, room 510

$5; free to all students and New School faculty, staff, and alumni with ID

In-person ticket purchases
The New School Box Office
66 West 12th Street, main floor
Monday-Friday 1:00-7:00 p.m.

Reservations and inquiries can also be made by emailing or calling 212.229.5488.

Career Services events!

Upcoming Parsons Career Services Events

The Fundamentals of Freelancing
Friday, March 27, 6 PM to 8:30 PM
Parsons Kellen Auditorium (room N101), 66 Fifth Avenue, ground floor

Fundamentals of Freelancing:  Workshop and Alumni Panel Discussion on How to Negotiate Contracts and Start Your Own Business.
Event co-hosted by the School of Art, Media, and Technology and the Office of Career Services.

Art, Media and Technology Career Fair
Wednesday, April 15
10 AM to 1 PM

55 W. 13 St, Lang Student Center, 2 floor

Career Day for students in Art, Media, and Technology.  IDC and Design and Management students are encouraged to participate. Employers such as Abrams Books for Young Readers and Amulet Books, Click 3x, Conde Nast Publications, Eye Ball NYC, G2, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, and Razorfish will be meeting with graduating students to discuss job opportunities, give portfolio feedback, and offer career advice.
Students must bring a portfolio  and/or reel and several resumes to the event.

All events sponsored by Parsons Career Services, 2 West 13 St, room 511,, 212-229-8940.  Students should be sure to have their resumes reviewed by Career Services prior to events they plan to attend.

International Ideas Competition: Grand Concourse at 100


The Bronx Museum of the Arts in partnership with Design Trust for Public Space launched Intersections: The Grand Concourse Beyond 100, an international ideas competition. Open to all, the competition solicits bold visions from architects, planners, artists, designers, students, area residents, and others, that illustrate and describe how the Bronx and the Grand Concourse can evolve in coming decades to cope with pressing needs for housing, green space, and transportation.

Up to 7 finalists will be awarded a $1,000 cash stipend to further develop their proposal for inclusion in the exhibition–Intersections: The Grand Concourse at 100 – Future at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, opening Nov. 1, 2009. A $5,000 first prize will be awarded to one of the seven finalists at the exhibit’s opening. Honorable Mentions will be awarded to up to 50 submissions, and will be displayed digitally during the exhibit in the Museum’s North Wing Lobby and also in an online gallery on the competition website.

Competition entries will be accepted until May 1, 2009 and judged by diverse and distinguished jury.

By 2030, New York City is projected to grow by over one million residents, and 124,000 will settle in the Bronx — the equivalent of the entire population of Ann Arbor, Michigan, or New Haven, Connecticut. With this substantial population growth on the horizon, recent robust investment in development, and the Grand Concourse’s centennial, now is the time to look at what the Bronx and its important thoroughfare will become beyond 100.

Visit the competition website and begin your submission today! In addition to application details, the website hosts extensive information about the Bronx and the Grand Concourse, including a slideshow of historic images, a video about the history of the Concourse, many current and historic maps, demographic data, recommended books and movies, and more.

Read more about this project here.  Good luck!

Bonus footage: Here’s a video of Sam Goodman, lifetime Bronx resident, giving a tour of the Grand Concourse this past October.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.785604&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Sustainable Architecture: Communication through Art


For over 30 years Development Workshop France (DWF) has promoted sustainable settlement and shelter development, respecting existing values and utilizing local skills and resources.  Current projects focus on vulnerability reduction and the resolution of human settlement difficulties in Africa and South East Asia-difficulties that result from wide-ranging changes to the way people live, whether climatic and environmental, socioeconomic and demographic, or as a result of man-made and natural disasters and war.

DWF is the only nonprofit organisation ever to win two World Habitat Awards: in 1998 for Woodless Construction in Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso; and in 2008 for Prevention of Typhoon Damage in Vietnam.

On Monday March 2, the founder and president of DWF will present DWF’s recent work in Burkina Faso and in Vietnam, and discuss the role that illustration, animation, music, and drama have played in educating and training on the local level.  Please join us in Kellen Auditorium at 4PM for this truly interdisciplinary event. More details of DWF’s work are on their web site:

This event is hosted by Parsons faculty members Carol Overby, Design + Management, and Nora Krug, Illustration

John Norton, founder and president
Development Workshop France

Kellen Auditorium
66 Fifth Avenue, ground floor

Monday March 2  4-6PM
Space is limited; RSVP

David Polonsky at Society of Illustrators


Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30 at The Society of Illustrators (128 East 63rd) meet David Polonsky, the illustrator and art director of Ari Forman’s Waltz with Bashir. Polonsky will discuss the techniques that were used to make this unique animated documentary. The talk will be accompanied by clips from the film. A Q and A session will follow and a book signing for the release of a graphic novel based upon the film.

$10 members, $15 non-members.

Here’s a trailer for the movie if you haven’t already seen it:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.784760&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Communication Arts Competition


Here are the official guidelines:

Deadline: March 6, 2009

Enter the most prestigious competition for creativity in illustration, the 50th annual Communication Arts Illustration Competition. Any Illustration first printed or produced between March 12, 2008 and March 6, 2009 is eligible. Selected by a nationally representative jury of distinguished designers, art directors and illustrators, the winning entries will be published in the July 2009 Illustration Annual. Over 70,000 copies of the Illustration Annual will be distributed worldwide, assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work. As a service to art directors, designers and art buyers, a comprehensive index will carry telephone number, e-mail and Web addresses of the illustrators represented.

What to Enter

Illustration first printed or produced between March 12, 2008 and March 6, 2009 is eligible. Entries may originate from any country. Explanation of the function in English is very important to the judges. Submission of entries acknowledges the right of Communication Arts to use them for publication and exhibition.

Illustration Competition Categories/Fees
These categories are judged by the illustration jury and will appear in the 2009 Illustration Annual:
Advertising: $30 single entry/$60 series
Books: $30 single entry/$60 series
Editorial: $30 single entry/$60 series
For Sale: $30 single entry/$60 series
Institutional: $30 single entry/$60 series
Motion/Animation: $60 single entry/$120 series
Self-Promotion: $30 single entry/$60 series
Unpublished: $30 single entry/$60 series

Each illustration is a single entry. A printed piece with several illustrations must have a dot or some other mark indicating which specific single illustration is to be judged. If a single illustration isn’t indicated, the entry will be disqualified.

Campaigns or series are limited to five illustrations. If the entry has more than five illustrations, indicate which five are to be judged. If this isn’t indicated, the entry will be disqualified.

How to Enter: Information on preparation of entries and forms.
Illustration Competition FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions about applications and file formats.

Good luck!

mini mini 4 x 4 art show from spraygraphic


Here are the official rules straight from Spraygraphic:

MINI MINI: A 4×4 Mini Art Show is asking artists from all over the world to submit works of art (all mediums) that are no larger than 4 x 4 inches and that can be hung flat against the a wall. The depth of the artwork can exceed 4inches (ex. Sculpture) but it must be able to be hung on a wall without extraneous assistance. We expect to end up with a gallery full of diverse, compelling, and exquisite little pieces of art.

Requirements: IMPORTANT – Read This to Avoid Problems With Your Submission

1) The Deadline for Entry is March 5th, 2009. THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE!!!


3) The MINI MINI show will be displayed at Push Gallery (Phoenix)on March 6th (Phoenix First Friday) and then moved on March 7th to Cartel Coffee/Art Gallery in Tempe for the rest of the month and and then installed atConspire Art Gallery in Phoenix (5th and Garfield) on April 1st for a month long showing.

4) All submissions must come in a 4×4 format that can be hung flat on a wall. The art can be no larger than 4 inches. but the art’s depth can exceed four inches. The show is open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media, but it must be able to be hung flat on the wall from the back.

5) All artists that submit a piece must have a spraygraphic profile to be accepted for submission. No profile, no hanging.

6) All artists must send information on a typed piece of paper and it must include: their spraygraphic address (Ex. along with their name, location, title of piece, and price (if selling art), along with any other pertinent info you can think of.

7) All media is accepted. Sculpture, paint, markers, stickers, crayon, etc. are all acceptable.

8) Each artist is allowed up to two (2) pieces.

9) Please make sure your piece is completely dry before shipping. Allow at least 48 hours drying time before packing and shipping your artwork. Also wrap them in plastic or other film, DO NOT USE PAPER.

10) Time is of importance because the show is on March 6th and we would like to begin hanging on March 4th.If you haven’t started it yet then start it, finish it, and send it out…

Everyone that submits a work will be hung at the show on March 6th.

All questions about the show can be directed to

Keep reading for more details!
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