Artist BioKevin Quiles Bonilla (b. 1992) is a visual artist living and working between Puerto Rico and New York City. He received his BA in Fine Arts from the University of Puerto Rico. His artistic production has been presented in student conferences and a solo show in Puerto Rico, as well as collective exhibitions in The United States, Mexico, China, Belgium and Japan. He’s the recipient of an emerging artist award from The Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. He explores ideas around power, space and history with his identity as context.

Ungrounded, 2018, Digital impression / C-print, 60" x 44"

Position no.01 (Interventions on Three Benches), 2016, Digital impression / C-print, 42" x 60"

Position no.22 (Interventions on Three Benches), 2017, Digital impression / C-print, 42" x 60"

No hay huracán que nos detenga / There's no hurricane that can stop us, 2018, Installation. Water bottle and sand, 08" x 03"
Lead (Chelsea Piers), 2017, Video, 01 minute, 07 seconds
Industrial Silhouette (Beach), Video, 02 minutes, 33 seconds
Colonial Wall Push, 2016, Video, 03 minutes 16 seconds
Using performative and sculptural strategies combined with distortion and re- signification as a strategic resource, I am looking at how a person’s movement is the consequence of ideas that are both conscious and unconscious. What shapes our movement, image, or imagination in the everyday space? What power impacts us in public? I explore ideas around identity at the intersection of structures such as space, language, history and politics with a body like mine residing between Puerto Rico and New York City.