Tag Archives: zines
Zine and Cookie Hoedown during Parsons Fest!
Come on up to the 8th floor on May 10th
(during the amazing Parsons Festival)
to indulge on tasty treats and zany zines!
The Parsons Illustration Department
is partnering with Moleskine® to host
the Ultimate Zine & Cookie Hoedown!
Featuring rad activities such as:
Zine tradin’
Sketchbook swappin’
How-to workshops
Cookies galore
and much, much more!
So grab your friends (and maybe a napkin) and
join us in this fantastic hands-on experience
into the wild world of zine culture!
Tuesday, May 10th
2 W. 13th, 8th Floor, Room 809
12-2:40 p.m.
Did we mention there’d be cookies?
Cahiers, albums and drawing tools provided by Moleskine®!
Attendance is limited,
so you MUST RSVP by May 3rd to
if you want to be part of the rad zaniness!
Reminder: Parsons Illustration at MoCCA this weekend!
MoCCA Festival 2011!!
April 9-10, 2011
at the 69th Regiment Armory
68 Lexington Avenue New York City
MoCCA Festival is an annual two-day event that attracts thousands of fans, creators and publishers from around the globe, in celebration of comics and cartoons.
Parsons Illustration will have a table featuring all kinds of amazing student work!
The MoCCA Festival will take place over April 9-10, 2011 at the Lexington Avenue Armory located at 68 Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets. The event attracts thousands of comic art lovers and creators from around the globe to celebrate the world’s most popular art form in the heart of New York City. Since 2002 the MoCCA Festival offers a unique venue to experience comics, mini-comics, web comics, graphic novels, animation, posters, prints, original artwork and more. Each year, the Festival invites dozens of established and emerging creators, scholars, and other experts to participate in two days of lecture/discussion panels on a variety of comics and cartoon topics. For 2011, the panels and programs are being organized by Brian Heater (The Daily Crosshatch).
Special guests at MoCCA Fest 2011 include Johnnie Arnold, Peter Bagge, Nick Bertozzi, Ken Dahl, Jules Feiffer, Pascal Girard,Tom Hart, Dean Haspiel, (Parsons Illustration Associate Professor) Ben Katchor, Chip Kidd, Michael Kupperman, Robert Mankoff, Tom Neely, Joe Ollmann, Bill Plympton, Alex Robinson, (Parsons Illustration Alum and Adjunct Faculty) R. Sikoryak, Eric Skillman, Ted Stearn, Adrian Tomine, Gahan Wilson, Julia Wertz, Sarah Glidden, Jessica Abel, Lisa Hanawalt, Leslie Stein, Domitille Collardey, Meredith Gran, and Kate Beaton and more…..
Featured exhibitors include Abrams Books, Danish Consulate, Drawn & Quarterly, Evil Twin Comics, Fantagraphics, First Second Books, Kirby Museum, Mammal Magazine, NBM, New York University, Pantheon Books, Papercutz, Parsons Illustration, Picturebox, Random House Publishing Group, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, Sparkplug Comic Books, School of Visual Arts, The Center for Cartoon Studies, The Daily Show, Top Shelf Productions, Will Eisner Studios and Zip Comics and more….
Make sure to stop by the Parsons Illustration table, grab a zine, and say hello!
[Poster by Peter Kuper]
Parsons Illustration will be at MoCCA Fest 2011!
MoCCA Festival 2011!!
April 9-10, 2011
at the 69th Regiment Armory
68 Lexington Avenue New York City
MoCCA Festival is an annual two-day event that attracts thousands of fans, creators and publishers from around the globe, in celebration of comics and cartoons.
Parsons Illustration will have a table featuring all kinds of amazing student work!
The MoCCA Festival will take place over April 9-10, 2011 at the Lexington Avenue Armory located at 68 Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets. The event attracts thousands of comic art lovers and creators from around the globe to celebrate the world’s most popular art form in the heart of New York City. Since 2002 the MoCCA Festival offers a unique venue to experience comics, mini-comics, web comics, graphic novels, animation, posters, prints, original artwork and more. Each year, the Festival invites dozens of established and emerging creators, scholars, and other experts to participate in two days of lecture/discussion panels on a variety of comics and cartoon topics. For 2011, the panels and programs are being organized by Brian Heater (The Daily Crosshatch)
Special guests at MoCCA Fest 2011 include Johnnie Arnold, Peter Bagge, Nick Bertozzi, Ken Dahl, Jules Feiffer, Pascal Girard,Tom Hart, Dean Haspiel, (Parsons Illustration Associate Professor) Ben Katchor, Chip Kidd, Michael Kupperman, Robert Mankoff, Tom Neely, Joe Ollmann, Bill Plympton, Alex Robinson, (Parsons Illustration Alum and Adjunct Faculty) R. Sikoryak, Eric Skillman, Ted Stearn, Adrian Tomine, Gahan Wilson, Julia Wertz, Sarah Glidden, Jessica Abel, Lisa Hanawalt, Leslie Stein, Domitille Collardey, Meredith Gran, and Kate Beaton and more…..
Featured exhibitors include Abrams Books, Danish Consulate, Drawn & Quarterly, Evil Twin Comics, Fantagraphics, First Second Books, Kirby Museum, Mammal Magazine, NBM, New York University, Pantheon Books, Papercutz, Parsons Illustration, Picturebox, Random House Publishing Group, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, Sparkplug Comic Books, School of Visual Arts, The Center for Cartoon Studies, The Daily Show, Top Shelf Productions, Will Eisner Studios and Zip Comics and more….
Hope to see you all there!
[Poster by Peter Kuper]
Zack Zezima on death and zines
An email from recent Illustration graduate, Zack Zezima:
I just finished up making a zine called “Theories in Death and Nature”…It’s about death (morbid, I know) and 7 of the many religious/spiritual beliefs around it.
You can grab your own copy of the zine online via Etsy or in person at Desert Island in Brooklyn.
Go Zack go!
Pop-Up Shop at Mike Perry’s Studio is in full swing

I am planning a pop-up / open studio sale here in my studio starting next saturday the 27th – Dec. 1st. Here are all the details!I am going to transform my studio into a gallery / shop for the opening of my week long pop-up shop. The doors open on Saturday the 27th at 10am. This year’s sale is going to be overflowing with amazing prints, zines, books, tee shirts, original drawings, and so much more from some of your favorite designers, illustrators, artists.
This years will include work by Justin Fines, Sonnenzimmer, Josh Cochran, Jim Stoten, Luke Ramsey, Jim Datz, Me, and so many more.
November 27th – December 1st
10am – 5pm
925 Bergen Street Suite 308
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Btwn. Franklin and Classon
Don’t miss it, everyone! Stock up on holiday gifts you can get nowhere else, plus definitely grab something for yourself.
Esther Pearl Watson and Mark Todd visit Parsons on Nov. 16th
Esther Pearl Watson and Mark Todd, creators of the great book “Whatcha mean, What’s A Zine?”, will be visiting Peter Hamlin‘s Sophomore Concepts class on November 16th from 10:20 till 11:40 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
Follow-up: NY Art Book Fair at P.S. 1
This past weekend, Illustration FT Faculty Lauren Redniss and myself attended the New York Art Book Fair and Conference at P.S. 1.
There were a zillion great things to see and here are some favorites:
- Playful, cheeky posters from Dutch studio Werkplaats Typographie: http://www.werkplaatstypografie.org/
- Keiji Ito’s estactic utopia complete with rainbow bathers by the pool, parrots, zebras, and lush lawns growing pecan cookies at Gallery 360 of Japan: http://www.360.co.jp/e/exhibition.html
- Amigos by Keliichi Tanaami reveals a sensibility kindred with acclaimed designer Tadanori Yokoo, whose work was also seen at the fair, both in familiar framed posters and in less familiar folios of silksreens printed with multiple shades of neon ink. (images 3, 4) (a short Yokoo film: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20sj5_tadanori-yokoo-kiss-kiss-kiss_shortfilms )
NY Art Book Fair
New York City | October 2-3 2009
In collaboration with Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair, the Art Libraries Society of New York (ARLIS/NY) announces a conference on contemporary artists’ books. The program will include speakers, panels, artists’ presentations, and receptions. The conference focuses on recent developments in artists’ books. Sessions this year focus on zines, data-oriented artists’ books, reprints, print on demand, and criticism. These and other themes are intended to encourage dialog amongst scholars, collectors, artists, and librarians.
The conference opens with a free preview of the NY Art Book Fair on Thursday, October 1, from 6-8 pm. Over 150 exhibitors from 20 countries present contemporary art books, art catalogs, artists’ books, art periodicals, and ‘zines. The featured exhibition is a survey of books, posters and ephemera by RICHARD PRINCE. Don’t miss project rooms by the legendary super-school Werkplaats Typographie (Netherlands), and artist/designers Dexter Sinister (New York), together with JAPANESE POP THEN AND NOW, presented by Gallery 360 (Tokyo). And FRIENDLY FIRE is a no-holds-barred curated zone of the young and the restless, independent artist-producers and artist-activists.
The conference continues on Friday and Saturday with a series of eight conference sessions, including:
Print On Demand First-Hand: Artist-professor Andrea Robbins (University of Florida) shows how a student project took advantage of POD’s unique characteristics. Robbins, librarian-historian Jennifer Tobias (MoMA Libraries), and another commentator will then discuss POD in the larger context of artists’ books.
Zines, Institutional Collecting: Zine collections, conferences, & culture are percolating into large institutional collections and onto the radar of institutional curators and administration. Are Zines representative of a broader institutional interest in small-scale craft and artisanal book forms? Are there political ramifications to the authorship and production of Zines that make them anathema to library collections? Ryan Haley of the NYPL speaks with Jenna Freedman (Barnard College Library), Alycia Sellie (Pratt Institute Library), and Susan Thomas (City University of New York).
Redux, Reuse, Recycle: Artists’ Books Reprints and Digitizations: What do File Magazine, Avalanche, Sophie Ristelhueber, Walker Evans, and Interview have in common? They’ve all been reprinted or digitized. In this session, re-publishers will discuss the trend, specifically regarding the market for and reception of these blasts from the past.
…and much, much more.
The NY Art Book Fair will be held at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long island City, Queens, with the Contemporary Artists’ Books Conference situated on the third floor.
The Conference opens with a preview of the NY Art Book Fair on Thursday, October 1, 6 to 8 pm. Registration will take place on the third floor. The Preview is free and open to the general public.
CONFERENCE SESSIONS (speakers to be announced shortly):
1. Keynote (TBA)
2. Criticism Panel / moderator: Tony White
3. Print On Demand First-Hand: / moderator: Jenny Tobias
4. Zines: Institutional Collecting / moderator: Ryan Haley
5. Zines: some artists speak / moderator: Deirdre Lawrence
6. Redux, Reuse, Recycle: Artists’ Books Reprints and Digitizations / moderator: Jenny Tobias
7. The Informational Book / moderator: Deirdre Donohue
8. artist session / moderator: Carol Rusk
You may order conference tickets at http://nyartbookfair.com/conference
The NY Art Book Fair is FREE and open to the public.
Kate Adler, Frick Art Reference Library
AA Bronson, Printed Matter, Inc.
Deirdre Donohue, International Center for Photography
Ryan Haley, New York Public Library
Milan Hughston, Museum of Modern Art Library
Catherine Krudy, Printed Matter, Inc.
Deirdre Lawrence, Brooklyn Museum
James Mitchell
Christina Peter, ARLIS/NY President
Faith Pleasanton
Carol Rusk, Whitney Museum
David Senior, Museum of Modern Art Library
Jennifer Tobias, Museum of Modern Art Library
Tony White, Indiana University