New York City | October 2-3 2009
In collaboration with Printed Matter’s NY Art Book Fair, the Art Libraries Society of New York (ARLIS/NY) announces a conference on contemporary artists’ books. The program will include speakers, panels, artists’ presentations, and receptions. The conference focuses on recent developments in artists’ books. Sessions this year focus on zines, data-oriented artists’ books, reprints, print on demand, and criticism. These and other themes are intended to encourage dialog amongst scholars, collectors, artists, and librarians.
The conference opens with a free preview of the NY Art Book Fair on Thursday, October 1, from 6-8 pm. Over 150 exhibitors from 20 countries present contemporary art books, art catalogs, artists’ books, art periodicals, and ‘zines. The featured exhibition is a survey of books, posters and ephemera by RICHARD PRINCE. Don’t miss project rooms by the legendary super-school Werkplaats Typographie (Netherlands), and artist/designers Dexter Sinister (New York), together with JAPANESE POP THEN AND NOW, presented by Gallery 360 (Tokyo). And FRIENDLY FIRE is a no-holds-barred curated zone of the young and the restless, independent artist-producers and artist-activists.
The conference continues on Friday and Saturday with a series of eight conference sessions, including:
Print On Demand First-Hand: Artist-professor Andrea Robbins (University of Florida) shows how a student project took advantage of POD’s unique characteristics. Robbins, librarian-historian Jennifer Tobias (MoMA Libraries), and another commentator will then discuss POD in the larger context of artists’ books.
Zines, Institutional Collecting: Zine collections, conferences, & culture are percolating into large institutional collections and onto the radar of institutional curators and administration. Are Zines representative of a broader institutional interest in small-scale craft and artisanal book forms? Are there political ramifications to the authorship and production of Zines that make them anathema to library collections? Ryan Haley of the NYPL speaks with Jenna Freedman (Barnard College Library), Alycia Sellie (Pratt Institute Library), and Susan Thomas (City University of New York).
Redux, Reuse, Recycle: Artists’ Books Reprints and Digitizations: What do File Magazine, Avalanche, Sophie Ristelhueber, Walker Evans, and Interview have in common? They’ve all been reprinted or digitized. In this session, re-publishers will discuss the trend, specifically regarding the market for and reception of these blasts from the past.
…and much, much more.
The NY Art Book Fair will be held at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long island City, Queens, with the Contemporary Artists’ Books Conference situated on the third floor.
The Conference opens with a preview of the NY Art Book Fair on Thursday, October 1, 6 to 8 pm. Registration will take place on the third floor. The Preview is free and open to the general public.
CONFERENCE SESSIONS (speakers to be announced shortly):
1. Keynote (TBA)
2. Criticism Panel / moderator: Tony White
3. Print On Demand First-Hand: / moderator: Jenny Tobias
4. Zines: Institutional Collecting / moderator: Ryan Haley
5. Zines: some artists speak / moderator: Deirdre Lawrence
6. Redux, Reuse, Recycle: Artists’ Books Reprints and Digitizations / moderator: Jenny Tobias
7. The Informational Book / moderator: Deirdre Donohue
8. artist session / moderator: Carol Rusk
You may order conference tickets at http://nyartbookfair.com/conference
The NY Art Book Fair is FREE and open to the public.
Kate Adler, Frick Art Reference Library
AA Bronson, Printed Matter, Inc.
Deirdre Donohue, International Center for Photography
Ryan Haley, New York Public Library
Milan Hughston, Museum of Modern Art Library
Catherine Krudy, Printed Matter, Inc.
Deirdre Lawrence, Brooklyn Museum
James Mitchell
Christina Peter, ARLIS/NY President
Faith Pleasanton
Carol Rusk, Whitney Museum
David Senior, Museum of Modern Art Library
Jennifer Tobias, Museum of Modern Art Library
Tony White, Indiana University