Category Archives: Events

Dime Bag 3 at Giant Robot featuring tons of Illustration Alums/Faculty/Students


Giant Robot is proud to host a tiny exhibition of colossal proportions curated by artists Jordin Isip and Rodger Stevens.

Dime Bag 3 is the ninth in an ongoing series of events by Isip and Stevens, bringing together over 200 artists from New York City and beyond representing an extraordinary variety of disciplines. Painters, illustrators, graphic designers, filmmakers, photographers, product designers, and others have been invited to create artworks specifically designed to be exhibited in 3-inch plastic bags: dime bags. Each artist was sent one of the symbolic baggies and asked to fill it in any way they wished.

Artists participating in Dime Bag 3 are:

Ian Adelman
Lindsey Adelman
Keira Alexandra
Selina Alko
Jashar Awan
Jordan Awan
Dan Aycock
Scott Bakal
Lindsey Balbierz (A)
Karen Barbour
Michael Bartalos
George Bates (A)(F)
Melinda Beck
Charlie Becker
Polly Becker
Mike Bellamy (A)
Laura Bellmont
Gregory Benton
Jud Bergeron
Hanne Berkaak (A)
Annette Berry
Angela Boatwright
Max Bode
Kelsey Bohlinger
Juliette Borda
Kim Bost
Kelie Bowman
Claudia Brandenburg
Amanda Brown
Calef Brown
Chris Buzelli
SooJin Buzelli
Joseph Buzzell
William Buzzell (A)
Noel Chanyungco
Mariano Ching
Yong Choe (A)
Beryl Chung (A)
Benjamin Clarke
Noel Claro (F)
Dana Collins
Cynthia Connolly
Alika Cooper
Louie Cordero
Michael Coughlan
Brian Cronin
Tara Cullen
Daniel Davidson
Georganne Deen
Andrew Degraff
Edward del Rosario (F)
Dave Delaney
Rachel Domm
Paul Donald
Dora Drimalas
Dima Drjuchin (A)
Joel Dugan
Chris Duncan
Carl Dunn (A)
Chad Dziewior
Charles Eckert
Emily Eibel
Morgan Elliot
Steve Ellis
Kiersten Essenpreis
Evah Fan
Ingo Fast (A)
Ray Fenwick
Cat Ferraz (A)
Brian Flynn
Patrick JB Flynn
Gary Fogelson
Bella Foster
James Benjamin Franklin
John Freeborn
David Fremont
Shannon Freshwater
Sam Friedman
Martina Fugazzotto
James Gallagher (F)
Ryan Gallagher
Susie Ghahremani
Florence Gidez (A)
Jason Glasser
Leah Goldensohn
Johanna Goodman (A)
Keith Greiman
Matt Haber
Marcellus Hall
George Harbeson (A)
Joseph Hart
Maya Hayuk
Matt Hollister
Charles Immer
Jordin Isip (F)
Mara Isip
Minako Iwamura
Rich Jacobs
Oliver Jeffers
Frances Jetter
Chesiel John (A)
Matt Johnson
Aya Kakeda
Leah Kalotay
Christina Kampson
Nina Katan
Amy S. Kauffman
Misaki Kawai
Caitlin Keegan
Patrick Keesey
Andy Kehoe (A)
Tricia Keightley
Tim Kerr
Hiroshi Kimura
James Kirkpatrick
Viktor Koen (F)
Hiro Kurata (A)

Craig LaRotonda
Cat Lauigan (A)
Hannah K. Lee (A)
Liz Lee (A)
Sae-am Lee (A)

Rob Leecock
Matt Leines
Jodi Levine
Laura Levine
Phil Lubliner
Alex Lukas
Anthony Macbain
Ashley Macomber
Julie Manso
Sara Antoinette Martin
Eddie Martinez
Sophie Mathoulin
Margaret McCartney
Adam McCauley (A)
Melissa McGill
Ted McGrath
Richard McGuire
Taylor McKimens
Elizabeth Meluch
Jeffrey Ashe Meyer
David Miller (A)
Bronwyn Minton
Tezh Modarressi
Nicole Momaney
Brendan Monroe
Lilah Montgomery (A)
James Moore
Pam Morris
Brad Mossman
Ana Mouyis  (A)
Ilse Murdock
James Austin Murray
Gregory Nemec
Ron Nemec
Phillip Fivel Nessen (A)
Laura Normandin
Kate O’Connor
Shu Okada (A)
Frank Olinsky (F)

Soner On
Alex Ostroy
Jake Panian
Chang Park (F)
Leif Parsons
Jason Polan
Jason Porter
Giselle Potter
Sean Qualls
Jeff Quinn (F)
Cassie Ramone
John Rauchenberger
Kristina Reddy (A)
Lauren Redniss (F)
Liz Riccardi
Martha Rich
Geoff Rockwell
Edel Rodriguez
Les Rogers
Julia Rothman
Lea Rude
Stanley Ruiz
Anthony Russo
David Sandlin
Kim Scafuro
Kim Schifino
Nicole Schorr
Blake Scott
Anna Sea
Christina Sheppard (A)
Christine Shields
Yasmin Sison
Paul Slifer
Andy Smenos
Ryan Jacob Smith
Jeff Soto
Becca Stadtlander
Rodger Stevens (A)(F)
Holly Stevenson
Georgie Stout
Scott Stowell
Katherine Streeter
Derek Stukuls
Gary Taxali
Gabriel Tick (A)
Mark Todd
Lara Tomlin
Mark Turgeon
Katie Turner (S)
Justin Valdes
Madeline Valentine
Nichole van Beek
Willian van Roden
Jonathan Viner
Dominique Vitali
Roxie Vizcarra (A)
Karyn Vogel
Valeriya Volkova
Adam Wallacavage
Ryan Wallace
Jessica Ward (A)
David Weeks
Kaeleen Wescoat-O’Neill
Eric White
Justin White
Beth Whitney
Jasmine Wigandt (A)
C.K. Wilde
Nate Williams
Richard Wilson
Jeff Winterberg
Mike Wodkowski
Courtney Wotherspoon
James Yang
Tobin Yelland
Christine Young (A)
Zachary Zezima (A)

Bill Zindel

(Names in red are either Parsons Illustration alums, current students, or faculty members–If I missed any, let me know!)

A reception featuring many of the artists will be held from 6:30 to 10:00 PM on Saturday, July 18.

Illustration Faculty and Alum featured in “Sketchbook Obsessions”

Sketchbook _Obsessions


Peter Arkle, Karen Barbour, George Bates, Nicholas Blechman, Blex Bolex, Loren Capelli, Josh Cochran, Matt Dorfman, Sara Fanelli, Nicholas Gazin, Steven Guarnaccia, Eric Hanson, John Hendrix, Matthew Hollister, Emma Houlston, Erik T. Johnson, Nora Krug, Pascal Lemaitre, Jason Logan, Ted McGrath, Rick Meyerowitz, Chris Silas Neal, Kate O’Connor, Mike Perry, Leif Parsons, Alain Pilon, Jason Polan, Brian Rea, Jonathon Rosen, Leanne Shapton, Seth, Shoboshobo, Rachel Solomon, Tamara Shopsin, Ward Schumaker, Holly Stevenson, Jillian Tamaki, Mark Todd, Aude Van Ryn, Andrea Ventura, Henning Wagenbreth, Esther Pearl Watson

Thursday July 16, 2009, 7:00-9:00 PM
The New York Times, 620 8th Avenue, 7th FL
RSVP required to:

MoCCA Follow-Up Week: Sophia Chang

Editor’s Note: This week, we are featuring three entries by students who worked at the Parson’s Illustration tables at the MoCCA Festival this past June.  First up, a narrative and sketches by Rising Senior Sophia Chang.


So I had the pleasure of having a table at MoCCA Festival along with other Parsons students including Katie Turner, Beryl Chung, Grace Lang and Christine Young.  Check out their stuff!

I felt like I was in a microwave the entire time, the humidity of everyone’s body sweat evaporating and condensing was absolutely delicious! I say that sarcastically. On the real though, MoCCA was an awesome experience, being in a room with upcoming artists and surrounded by printed matter! Afterall print is slowly slowly dying…

I specifically enjoyed the Norwegian, Swedish and German/Berlin tables, offering some great perspective on their visual language. Just sitting at the table and watching the different unique people pass by was an experience of its own. I started sketching down all the interesting people I saw towards the end of my stay.


Thanks for the firsthand account, Sophia!  Make sure to check out Sophia’s website and blog for more about her work.

Illustration Event at Comic-Con!

comic-con event

Alumni and industry friends are invited to join Peter de Seve ’80 (Ice Age) and R. Sikoryak ’87 (Masterpiece Comics) for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and conversation in San Diego. The event will take place on Saturday, July 25th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Rock Bottom Brewery- Downtown Lounge.

R. Sikoryak is the author of Masterpiece Comics (Drawn & Quarterly),“where classics and cartoons collide.” He’s drawn comics and pictures for Nickelodeon Magazine, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The New Yorker, The
Onion, and Mad, among other media giants. In his spare time, he hosts the cartoon slide show series Carousel.

Peter de Sève’s illustration and character designs are known throughout the world. Best recognized for his many New Yorker covers and his character designs for the three blockbuster Ice Age movies (“Scrat” is now an
international icon) de Seve has also contributed to such films as Mulan, A Bug’s Life, Tarzan and Finding Nemo.

You can also see the above invite online here and grab the details at the event’s Facebook page.  Hope to see you all there!

Host: Office of Alumni Relations at the New School
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Rock Bottom Brewery- Downtown Lounge
401 G Street (at the corner of Fourth Avenue)
San Diego, CA

RSVP to or 212.229.5662 x3784

Neil Swaab At The Green Brain Comics Store In Dearborn, Michigan


On Wednesday, July 8th Green Brain Comics continues their 10th Anniversary summer event schedule with an appearance by cartoonist and animator Neil Swaab (Parsons Illustration Adjunct!).

To celebrate the release of the third collection of his weekly comic strip Rehabilitating Mr Wiggles, Brooklyn-based Michigan native Neil Swaab will be coming home to set up at award winning Green Brain Comics.

“We are excited to give people a chance to meet Neil Swaab, a unique talent and swell guy.” says Dan Merritt, event coordinator for Green Brain Comics “We are also excited to be making available a great collection of comic strips hot off the presses featuring Neil’s lovable, foul-mouthed teddy bear Mr Wiggles.”

It all takes place on Wednesday, July 8th with the signing at 5pm and it’s capped off at 8pm with Green Brain Comics monthly Comic Jam, where local cartoonists of all talent levels are invited to participate in a creative exercise that puts their drawing and improvisational skills to the test.

Green Brain Comics
13210 Michigan Avenue
Dearborn, Michigan

Call for Submissions: Pinocchio Thursdays!


Our goal is to create and post an image of Pinocchio each week on the departmental blog. If you are an Illustration student–we need your contributions!!! Your Pinocchio can be a photo, an assemblage, a drawing, a doodle…any visual representation of Pinoke that was created, altered conceived by you.

Specs: 72 dpi jpeg, file appropriately named with the image is (not an incomprehensible string of numbers/letters)

Include: Your name, what year you are, and if you have a website/sketchblog/etc that we can link to

Due: by Weds of every week starting next week!

Send to:

Hope to get your submission soon!

+2 Summer Group Show featuring Jordin Isip


“+2” Summer Group Show
10″ x 10″ works by 66 artists (see below for complete list)

The official press release for the show:

Let’s face it. It’s been a tough year so far and we can all use a little levity. So with that in mind, we decided to make our summer group show fun – fun for the gallery, our artists and our collectors. We’ve invited 22 artists who have shown here in group or solo shows and asked each of them to invite 2 of their choice. It could be someone they know or not, someone they owe a favor, someone they’d like to see get a break, someone they’ve always wanted an excuse to meet. The only rules are it’s got to be work they are personally excited about and all of the work has to be 10” x 10” (small works = smaller prices = that’s where the fun for collectors part comes in).  And on Saturday, June 20th, from 4 to 6 pm we’ll welcome the summer season with an artist’s reception complete with lemonade, cookies and good vibes all around.

Participating artists are: Eric Amouyal, NaNa An, Sarah Bedford, Bengala, Erik Benson, Chris Berens, Jud Bergeron, John Bowman, Kris Chatterson, Vince Contarino, Orly Cogan, Dame Darcy, Peter Drake, Joel Dugan, Steve Ellis, Evah Fan, Chad Fay, Lori Field, Erik Foss, Lauren Gibbes, Frieda Gossett, Kady Grant, Seonna Hong, Greg Hopkins, Caroline Hwang, Jordin Isip (Illustration Adjunct!), Jasmine Justice, David Kramer, Tasha Kusama, Michael L. Maes, Julia Marchand, Austin McCormick, Elizabeth McGrath, Adele Mildred, Benjamin Paul Morris, Linsday Mound, John Nickle, David O’Brien, Saejean Oh, Saelee Oh, Reba Pardieu, Marion Peck, Martha Rich, Jean-Pierre Roy, Rachel Salomon, Kristen Schiele, Brian T. Scott, Ryan Scully, Sueraya Shaheen, Jill Simonsen, Morgan Slade, Sally Sloan, Aaron Smith, Owen Smith, Nathan Spoor, Maki Tamura, thejohnfloyd, Mark Todd, Sarah Trigg, Hanna von Goeler, Esther Watson, Eric White, Justin White and Brad Woodfin.

June 20 – July 18, 2009

Wednesday through Saturday, noon to 6pm

128 Rivington Street
(corner of Norfolk)
New York, NY 10002

To preview “+2” go to:

Images above, clockwise from top left:
Esther Pearl Watson, “Do You Here the Weirding Field?” 2009, acrylic w/glitter on panel
Sally Sloan, “Gotcha!” 2009, acrylic, gold leaf & tea bags on canvas
Seonna Hong, “Just Beneath the Chords,” 2009, mixed media on found paper
Mark Todd, “Look Up,” 2009, cel-vinyl and enamel on maple panel
Chris Berens, “The Tatooed Horse,” 2009, mixed media on panel
David O’Brien, “Baby Eyes of Providence,” 2009, ink, acrylic & graphite on canvas

Alumni Update: Daniel Springer’s new show

autumn morning

Illustration Alum Daniel Springer (’84)
passed along news of an upcoming exhibition of his works.  Here are the details:

July 1-15 2009

Brewster Ladies Library
1822 Main Street (Route 6A)
Brewster, MA 02631
call for hours: (508) 896-3913

Friday, July 3 from 5 -7 pm

Mr. Springer is represented exclusively on Cape Cod by the Left Bank Gallery @ Cove Road in Orleans. (508) 247-9172.  He currently chairs the Fine & Performing Arts Department at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, sits on the Advisory Board of the Cape Cod & Islands Art Educators Association and teaches at the Cape Cod Museum of Art.

Here’s a snippet from his artist’s statement, as well:

My painting is an expression of what I see and what I feel when I am alone in nature. From the hurried impressions of a fleeting moment when the light is “just so” to the abstraction of the distance, the cumulative effect is that of a luminous and atmospheric painting — one that evokes an emotional sense of place.

Keep up with Daniel and his work at his blog.

Congrats, Dan!