Passed along by Parsons Full-time Faculty Nora Krug, here’s the scoop on 3×3 magazine‘s most recent call for entries:
Mark Your Calendars! As our 3×3 Illustration Annual No. 5 is coming off the press it’s time to start thinking about our next international illustration competitions. Here is our schedule and a few details.
3×3 Student Show
As always this show is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in all art schools, colleges and universities around the globe. Work must have been completed in calendar year 2008. A partial list of this year’s judges include illustrators/educators Alexandra Kardinar, Germany; Gary Embury, United Kingdom; Clemente Botelho, Canada and Martha Rich, John Hendrix, Nora Krug of the US. Rounding out the judges is artist representative Pat Lindgren, Lindgren & Smith.Entry deadline: February 14, 2009
3×3 ProShow
Open to all art directors, editors, designers and illustrators. Categories include: Advertising, Animation, Books, Editorial, Fashion, Gallery, Institutional, Self-Promotion, Sequential, Three-Dimensional and Unpublished. Our judges to date include art directors Alexandre Lagoet, Amsterdam, Raban Ruddigkeit, Germany and SooJin Buzelli and Darlene Simidian, the US as well as illustrators Roman Klonek and Monika Aichele, Germany, Marco Ventura, Italy and Yuko Shimizu, the US.Entry deadline: March 14, 2009
3×3 Children’s Book Show
Open to all art directors, editors, authors, designers and illustrators from around the world. All published and unpublished children’s books completed in 2008 are eligible. We are in the process of naming our judges for this year’s show. Entry Deadline: April 14. 2009
We will begin accepting entries on January 5 but full details are available online at 3x3mag.com. All entries must be either uploaded or received by the deadline. Winners will be featured in the 3×3 Illustration Annual No. 6 coming out in late 2009. Full details on both shows are online. Remember you can pay and upload your images online. Children’s book details will be available beginning in February.
Thanks for sending along the info, Nora!
[image by Illustration Alum Jake Messing, who is listed in 3×3’s New Talent Gallery]