Yue Sun

Artist Bio

It is hard to speak about Sun as an artist who is making works or a crank who is making up works.

2017 MFA Fine Art Thesis Walkthrough- Yue Sun from Parsons Art, Media & Technology on Vimeo.

material study No.1 2016, video

荤噶 from Sun Yue on Vimeo.


chair study, video

chair study, video

material study No.2 2016, video


Artist Statement

Conjecture NO.1

for the future:

this + here + now = that + there + then

is + ow = at + t + the

isow = attthe


Conjecture NO.2

for the past

This + there + now = that + here + then

Is + t +ow = at +the

Istow = atthe

Isow = athe

Conjecture NO.3

for the present

This + here + then = that + there + now

Is + the = at + t + ow

Isthe = attow

Ishe = atow


Conjecture NO.4

Future + past + present = ?

   Isow = attthe

  Isow = athe

+ Ishe = atow

   Isow = attthe

  Isow = athe

+ Ishe = atow

 ishe = atow


= Present


Future + Past + Present = Present