Tag Archives: parsons illustration alumni

The Little Matador by Julian Hector

Illustration Alum Julian Hector (’06) just had his first children’s book released and we here in the department couldn’t be happier for him.  Here’s a synopsis:

The Little Matador comes from a long line of bullfighter – but he would rather draw a bull than fight one!  In this little book about dreaming big, first time author-illustrator Julian Hector teaches all about the importance of being true to your heart, even in the face of great family expectations – and a charging bull!

Grab your copy hereCongratulations, Julian!

Alumni Update: Alex Rheault

Straight from the Illustration Inbox, we’ve got an update about Alex Rheault (Illustration ’85):

Alex Rheault has recently been appointed Chair of Illustration at Maine College of Art in Portland, where she resides since 2001.  Alex left the Big Apple in 1997, and lived in Sanibel, Florida for two years where she taught cartooning and became the cartoonist in 2000 for the local paper of record, The Island Reporter until 2004.

Alex left hurricane season behind for cooler climes to focus on art, writing, and studies. She completed the Salt for Documentary Studies program as a photography student in 2002, documenting the local fireboat and a wooden boat builder, and attended Vermont College right after, receiving her MFA in 2004.

She teaches drawing, two dimensional design, cartooning, fashion illustration, and illustration related courses in Continuing Studies and the BFA program at MECA, and mentors students privately in writing and visual arts. She exhibits work at Filament gallery in Portland and Patricia Ladd Cargea Gallery in New Hampshire. Her work looks at strategies of authority, language, and hierarchies of preference through everyday objects, images, and text. Her obsession since grad school has been the thinker, Georges
Bataille, whose work has led her to many others.

Alex’s most recent projects include drawing room (no “the”), an evolving identity engaging artists and the public in dialogue and collaborative works, curating exhibits with emerging artists, and community engagement.  Projects such as Chewed Toys Project invite dogs and people to co-create.

Alex gave a paper at SCAD’s Art History Symposium in April where Fred Wilson was the keynote speaker. She spoke about drawing room projects. Here is a direct link to the presentation and directions for how to find it:

  • direct link
  • go to the bottom, and click on the icon with a page and arrow.
  • then click on “find” icon, and scroll down the green to “drawing room”
  • click to begin show!

Alex is actively writing and working towards several upcoming exhibits in 2009.

Visit Alex’s website and also check out Drawing Room, Chewed Toys, and Head on a Stick for info about her work and projects.

Thanks for the update, Alex!

“Crocodile Tears” at Giant Robot NY

Crocodile Tears: Small Works of Art by Over 50 Artists
GRNY, July 19 – August 13, 2008
Reception: Saturday, July 19, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Giant Robot is proud to present Crocodile Tears: Small Works of Art by Over 50 Artists at the GRNY Gallery.

Following up on 2007’s hugely popular Look Behind You and Snack Isle group shows, Crocodile Tears will feature a large assortment small works that measure 5″ x 7″ or smaller. Each of the over 50 artists (editor’s note: featuring Parsons Illustration alums and faculty!) will be contributing two to five pieces in his or her own eclectic style. Mediums will range from painting to stitching to drawing to sculpture.

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Mark Your Calendar: Recent Works at Tres Gallery featuring Ronnie Lawlor

Illustration Alum and Adjunct Faculty Ronnie Lawlor, in conjunction with Margaret Hurst and Eddie Pena (both are also Parsons alums and faculty members), is mounting a show at Tres Gallery. Recent works by all three artists will be on view. Make sure to drop by!

Alumni Bulletin: News from Illustration Grads

Larry Roibal (’82) recently had his piece “Sunday Morning” accepted for the Communication Arts Illustration Competition. Larry’s unique style was also highlighted by the fine folks over at Drawn a couple of weeks ago.  See more of Larry’s work at his website. Congrats!


Alum Chris Roth has been creating like crazy, including tons of animations for CBS (like this!), a Spiderman stained-glass window in honor of legendary artist Stan Lee, and this great spot for Channel Frederator (the first piece is his!):


See more of Chris’s work at his website. Keep up the great work, Chris!


Alum Angie Mason recently had her work included in the Fusion 5 Festival, which is an amazing new art festival put together by Strychnin Gallery Owner Yasha Young and Hotel 3.14’s creative director Dani Morla.

The artists included in this event were:

Bijou (France), Diva (Spain), David Hochbaum (USA),
Angie Mason (USA),Till Krautkraemer (USA),
Manuel Cortez & Philipp Baben (Germany), Brian Horton (USA),
Chichi Menendez (Australia), Natalie Shau (Lithuania),
Chris von Steiner (France), Mark Verhaagen (Netherlands)
David Stoupakis (USA), Daniel van Nes (Netherlands),
BORIS + NATASCHA (Germany & Australia), Mkan (France),
Virginie Ropars (France), Ansgar Noeth (Germany),
Matthew Bone (USA), Mimi S. (Germany),
Kristen Ferrell (USA), Oksana Badrak (GUS),
Mijn Schatje (France)

Angie also posted images up also at her flickr site and had this to say about her experience:

It was a great event where each artist was given a room/suite that matched their art (no two rooms are a like at this very unique hotel) and the artists had to fill the space with their work making the room their own and then have it viewed during the opening party exhibits and public openings. There was wonderful music and art and press and an ever flowing amount of absolute vodka since they were one of the main sponsors.

Thanks for sharing the news, Angie!

AJ Fosik in Illustration Play

Illustration Alum AJ Fosik has an entire section devoted to his work in Illustration Play, edited by the innovative group over at Victionary. Here’s the official press release description:

Getting more boredom from the computer-dominated design world, we always crave for new ways and trends of illustration. Appealing to the curious in all of us, our latest released title Illustration • Play will give you an insight into that! The title reveals the very different signature skills and unique styles of various illustration techniques and experiments, such as paper cutting, stitchery, hand knit, fabric piecing, origami, patchwork, etc. With exclusive interviews, lets’ spread the pages and understand more about diverse yet distinct perspective of each featured artists in a total number of 23 from around the globe!

Pick up your copy of Illustration Play here and read more about AJ in this great article from Swindle Magazine!

Reminder/Repost: Fine Arts Career Exploration Day

fine art career day

Career Exploration event featuring fine arts related organizations.

Today: Wednesday April 9th, 2008
Lang Student Center
55 W 13th Street between 5th & 6th Avenue, 2nd Fl
Hosted by The Department of Fine Arts and Parsons Career Services.

This event is open to students/alumni from all majors and will have
representatives from museums, galleries, and arts organizations on site
to talk about opportunities (volunteer, internship, employment, etc.)
and resources available in the arts.

Some of the participating organizations include: The Kitchen, New York
Foundation for the Arts, El Museo del Barrio, Mixed Greens, P.S. 1,
Creative Time, The National Academy Museum and many more!

Examples of the some of the opportunities available range from
curatorial internships and full-time artist educators, to digital design
positions and artist fellowship information.

Students are encouraged to come with copies of their resumes, samples
of their work (where applicable), and questions about career advice.

Internships at Blue Sky Studios

blue sky

This information was just passed our way via Parsons Career Services:

Blue Sky Studios is happy to announce our new Design and Story Internships starting this summer. We are seeking junior and senior level students with exceptional talent in drawing, design, and/or storyboarding. The selected students will have the opportunity to work hand in hand with professional artists in a studio environment. We ask that all portfolio and resumes be submitted through the school. Also, we are only accepting a maximum of 10 student submissions per school for each internship. We hope you spread the news of this opportunity to your students. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our recruiter Sabrina de los Rios (sabrina@blueskystudios.com) or myself.

The deadline for submissions is April 30th. Full details can be found on our website.

Blue Sky Studios produced the work of Illustration alum Peter de Seve (Ice Age) and is one of the leading animation studios out there today, so make sure to check it out!