Tag Archives: chris roth

Alumni Bulletin: News from Illustration Grads

Larry Roibal (’82) recently had his piece “Sunday Morning” accepted for the Communication Arts Illustration Competition. Larry’s unique style was also highlighted by the fine folks over at Drawn a couple of weeks ago.  See more of Larry’s work at his website. Congrats!


Alum Chris Roth has been creating like crazy, including tons of animations for CBS (like this!), a Spiderman stained-glass window in honor of legendary artist Stan Lee, and this great spot for Channel Frederator (the first piece is his!):


See more of Chris’s work at his website. Keep up the great work, Chris!


Alum Angie Mason recently had her work included in the Fusion 5 Festival, which is an amazing new art festival put together by Strychnin Gallery Owner Yasha Young and Hotel 3.14’s creative director Dani Morla.

The artists included in this event were:

Bijou (France), Diva (Spain), David Hochbaum (USA),
Angie Mason (USA),Till Krautkraemer (USA),
Manuel Cortez & Philipp Baben (Germany), Brian Horton (USA),
Chichi Menendez (Australia), Natalie Shau (Lithuania),
Chris von Steiner (France), Mark Verhaagen (Netherlands)
David Stoupakis (USA), Daniel van Nes (Netherlands),
BORIS + NATASCHA (Germany & Australia), Mkan (France),
Virginie Ropars (France), Ansgar Noeth (Germany),
Matthew Bone (USA), Mimi S. (Germany),
Kristen Ferrell (USA), Oksana Badrak (GUS),
Mijn Schatje (France)

Angie also posted images up also at her flickr site and had this to say about her experience:

It was a great event where each artist was given a room/suite that matched their art (no two rooms are a like at this very unique hotel) and the artists had to fill the space with their work making the room their own and then have it viewed during the opening party exhibits and public openings. There was wonderful music and art and press and an ever flowing amount of absolute vodka since they were one of the main sponsors.

Thanks for sharing the news, Angie!