This information was just passed our way via Parsons Career Services:
Blue Sky Studios is happy to announce our new Design and Story Internships starting this summer. We are seeking junior and senior level students with exceptional talent in drawing, design, and/or storyboarding. The selected students will have the opportunity to work hand in hand with professional artists in a studio environment. We ask that all portfolio and resumes be submitted through the school. Also, we are only accepting a maximum of 10 student submissions per school for each internship. We hope you spread the news of this opportunity to your students. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our recruiter Sabrina de los Rios (sabrina@blueskystudios.com) or myself.
The deadline for submissions is April 30th. Full details can be found on our website.
Blue Sky Studios produced the work of Illustration alum Peter de Seve (Ice Age) and is one of the leading animation studios out there today, so make sure to check it out!