Category Archives: Events

6 Parsons Students Awarded Scholarships from the Society of Illustrators; Masuko Jo gets top prize!

Six Parsons Illustration students were awarded scholarships in the 2013 Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship Competition. Only 33 works from the 271 selected by the jury for the show from the initial 8,595 submissions received scholarships. Congratualtions to them for this incredible achievement.

Masuko Jo, $5,000 Nancy Lee Rhodes Roberts Scholarship  for OdoriJordin Isip (faculty)

Monica Ramos, $2,000 MicroVisions Scholarship for Naked Ladies 2Jordin Isip (faculty)

Julee Yoo, $1,500 In Memory of Les Kanturek Scholarship for Offering, Nora Krug (faculty)

Annie Seo, $1,000 in Memory of Lila Dryer Scholarship for Meeting,  Steven Guarnaccia (faculty)

Rachel Levit, $500 in Memory of Harry Rosenbaum Scholarship for Pool, Jordin Isip (faculty)

Chelsey Pettyjohn, $250 Leo & Diane Dillon Scholarship for To Covet, Jordin Isip (faculty)



images: Masuko Jo, Monica Ramos, Julee Yoo, Annie Seo, Rachel Levit, Chelsey Pettyjohn


Sign Up For Gender Play: A Conference on Gender + Design – March 28-29

Yerim-and-Her-Pink-Things1Yerim and Her Pink Things, The Pink and the Blue (2005) JeongMee Yoon

Parsons Hosts Gender Design and Art Conference Featuring Paola Antonelli, Laurene Leon Boym, and Ernesto Pujol

Parsons The New School for Design presents GENDER PLAY, a two-day conference taking place on March 28 and 29 at The New School that will explore the issue of gender and its impact and influence on the production of art and design.

The conference will feature the insights of an international mix of artists, designers, researchers, and scholars in the field, including curator Paola Antonelli of the Museum of Modern Art, designer Laurene Leon Boym of Boym Partners, and the acclaimed artist Ernesto Pujol. The conference will also serve as the platform for the launch of the international Gender Design Network (iGDN), a new initiative aimed at connecting designers and artists around this topic.

“While gender boundaries are being bent, subverted and broken down left and right in artistic, technological and political forums, many industries—particularly ones that hinge on product design—are still responding to the ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ notion,” said Uta Brandes, a professor of Gender and Design Research at Köln International School of Design and a co-organizer of the conference with Simone Douglas, director of the MFA Fine Arts program at Parsons. “While it is undoubtedly true that women and men bring different experiences, interests and ways of thinking to purchasing, designing and interacting with products and services, the tired cliché of ‘pretty ‘n’ pink’ designs for girls versus sturdy, blue designs for boys—the essence of which is translated into adult designs—is perpetuating prejudices.”

The first day of the conference will focus on gender in relation to the design fields, while the second day will explore some of the major theoretical and political debates that have marked these issues in the fine arts, from second-wave feminism to postcolonial influences and queer theory. Artists, writers and theorists will address major works of painting, installation, sculpture and video and performance art, as well as international artists and collaborators associated with these debates.

“The cross-pollination of feminism and art, as well as feminism and cultural and political theory, spans most of the last century and continues today,” said Douglas. “These fields are constantly igniting exciting, innovative, diverse and radical voices that reverberate globally. But the feminist project is far from complete. It continues to initiate new ideas and strategies to create community and alliances, while at the same time challenging power structures across politics, culture and the personal sphere.”

The conference is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. For more information and a full list of speakers and events, visit here:

and to RSVP, please visit:

New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium: Symbolia cofounder Erin Polgreen










The thirty-seventh meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Parsons The New School, 2 West 13th Street in The Bark Room (off lobby).

Scheduled presentation: How to make a digital comics magazine. Symbolia cofounder Erin Polgreen joins us via Skype to discuss the ins and outs of launching a digital publication. We’ll talk platforms, tools, process, and publication — and also learn about why comics work so well as vehicles for news.

19 works from the Parsons Illustration Program selected for the 2013 Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship Exhibition

Parsons Illustration seniors Kristin Chae, Kristen Davis, Annalise Olson, Annie Seo, and Meghann Stephenson, and recent graduates Leah Goren, Katie Gross, Masuko Jo, Su-kyung Lee, Rachel LevitChelsey PettyjohnMonica Ramos, and Julee Yoo  (class of  2012) were selected by a distinguished jury to appear in the 2013 Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship exhibition. Only 271 works were chosen from a record 8,595 submissions. Congratulations to them and their teachers!

Scroll down to view the selected works or go to: Parsons Illustration Program Winning Images

Kristin Chae, Happy Birthday, Noel Claro (faculty); Underground, George Bates (faculty)


Kristen Davis, Go to the Devil, Junior Concepts, Sergio Ruzzier (faculty)


Leah Goren, Kurosawa Pattern, James Yang (faculty); Bees Pattern, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Katie Gross, Play Ball 01, Printmaking, Scott Nobles (faculty)


Masuko Jo, Odori, Senio Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty); Wifi, Senior Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Su-kyung Lee, The Bedroom, Senior Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Rachel Levit, Pool, Sr. Thesis, Jordin Isip (faculty); Philip Larkin, Sr. Thesis, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Annalise Olson, Skeleton Parade, Senior Thesis, Steven Guarnaccia (faculty)


Chelsey Pettyjohn, Commandments: To Covet, Senior Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Monica Ramos, Naked Ladies 2Jordin Isip (faculty); Blue Eyes, George Bates (faculty)


Annie Seo, Meeting, Senior Thesis, Steven Guarnaccia (faculty)


Meghann Stephenson, Wet and Dry, Junior Concepts, Sergio Ruzzier (faculty)


Julee Yoo, Offering, Independent Study, Nora Krug (faculty)


Julee Yoo, Whim, Senior Thesis 2, Frank Olinsky (faculty)



Aya Kakeda lecture

Aya Kakeda gave a wonderful, insightful, humorous, and inspiring presentation of her work, both commercial illustration and fine art, to this year’s Parsons Senior Illustration class on Friday, September 21st in Kellen Auditorium.

Aya is currently in a three-person show, “Creamy Cat”, at gallery onetwentyeight in NYC. It is up until September 30th. Check it out if you can.



Senior Thesis faculty Jordin Isip is included in Space//Form, a group exhibition curated by Sven Davis at  Breeze Block Gallery in Portalnd, Oregon. The opening reception is Thursday, Sept. 6th, 6-10 pm.

Space//Form centers around notions of the architectural landscape.  Over 100 of the most relevant young contemporary artists were each given an identical 10×10 inch panel and invited to create a work depicting their interpretation of space and form within either the constructed or the natural environment. Artists include: Adam Wallacavage, Alex Lukas, Chloe Early, Clayton Brothers, Doze Green, Eric White, Gary Taxali, Geoff McFetridge, James Marshall (Dalek), Jeff Soto, Jim Houser, Kozyndan, Kristen Schiele, Mars-1, Matt Leines, Maya Hayuk, Rich Jacobs, Rostarr, Tim Biskup, and Wayne White.


Chris Ware: Building Stories

Adam Baumgold Gallery and Carl Hammer Gallery (Chicago) present an exhibition of 126 drawings by Chris Ware to coincide with the release of his new book Building Stories. Over ten years in the making, several of the drawings from this series were first published in The New York Times Sunday Magazine and The New Yorker. Building Stories takes its final form as 14 discrete books and booklets collected in a printed box. The result is something utterly unique-part graphic novel, part sculpture, and part mobius strip. The show runs from September 8 – October 27, 2012.

Reception for the artist, Saturday, September 8, 5:00 – 8:00 pm.

Adam Baumgold Gallery, 60 East 66th St. NYC

One Hundred Dollars

Recent Parsons Illustration graduates  Su kyung (Hannah) LeeRachel Levit, and Hazel Lee Santino, and faculty Melinda Beck, Jordin Isip , and Taylor McKimens were included in One Hundred Dollars, a group show curated by Andrew Smenos and Sergio Barrale this summer at Littlefield in Brooklyn, NY. Each piece by the one hundred artists had to use a dollar bill as its canvas. Some of the other artists included were Daniel Davidson, Tricia Keightley, Rob Leecock, Matt Leines, Kristen Schiele, Joe Sorren, and Eric White. See more images and read the review in the Huffington Post.

Here are four of the one hundred pieces in the show:

Hazel Lee Santino

Senior Show

Finally! As a great year draws to an end we invite everybody to come enjoy the fruits of our labors. From May 7th to May 20th we will be hosting the Senior Illustration Show on the 6th floor of the 6th East 16th street building.

The reception will be on May 11th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. We look forward to everybody joining us.

On Tuesday May 15th from 10am to 4pm Senior presentations will be taking place. The presentations will consist of six minute speeches. Three minutes for the artist to talk about their work and three for the faculty and public to critique it. Keep checking the blog for updates.