Category Archives: Illustration Dept. Events

Tonight–On Notation: A Talk By Hubertus Von Amelunxen

The Illustration Program, School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design presents:

On Notation: A Talk By Hubertus Von Amelunxen
Wednesday, February 17
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Bark Room (Orientation Room)
Parsons The New School for Design, 2 West 13th Street, NYC

Notations are sign systems. They offer legibility, they enclose sound, meaning and movement, enable repetition, expansions and digressions. According to György Ligeti, they can be instructions for playing, means of communication or “an end in themselves”. Since the 19th century, notations have been considered as especially technical, media-technical in origin: from telegraphy to photography, from phonography, cinematography and dactylography to binary codifications, notations or metrical systems cause and determine not only phases in creation, repetition and the reproduction of artistic works, but also possibilities of interpretation. As sign systems, notations are predisposed to translation.

This talk was given in connection with the exhibition, “Notations – calculus and form in the arts”, curated by Hubertus von Amelunxen together with the artist Dieter Appelt for the Akademie der Künste in Berlin 2008 and for the ZKM in Karlsruhe 2009.

Hubertus von Amelunxen is a Professor of Media Philosophy and Cultural Studies at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.

Presented by the Illustration Program, School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design.

Call for Entries: Student Submissions for Society Illustrators 2010 and American Illustration 29

(Click on image below to enlarge and get all the important details about how Parsons Illustration students can submit to these important and prestigious illustration competitions!)

Holiday Greetings from the Illustration Program!

Holiday greetings from the Parsons Illustration Program and to all a great break!!

Normal posting will resume on January 11th, 2010.
We’re looking forward to a new year full of
wonderful events, fantastic art, and exciting projects.
We hope you’ll all join us.

Cheers and peace,

Steven Guarnaccia & everyone in the Illustration Program

[Image credit: Parsons Illustration Adjunct & illustrator Andre da Loba]

When Fountainheads Collide: Lawrence Weschler on Robert Irwin & David Hockney

On the occasion of the publication of his braided biographical volumes, ‘Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: Thirty Years of Conversations with Robert Irwin” and “True to Life: Twenty-Five Years of Conversations with David Hockney,” longtime New Yorker contributor Lawrence Weschler describes what it has been like, lo these many years, to be ponging back and forth between these two giants of contemporary art, who disagree about almost everything, in the profoundest of ways, and yet have never actually spoken with each other.

When Fountainheads Collide
Lawrence Weschler on Robert Irwin & David Hockney
Kellen Auditorium 66 5th Avenue, NYC
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9th
Free and Open to the Public

Reminder: Filming Henry Darger is tonight!



The Illustration program, Parsons the New School for Design presents…

Filming Henry Darger: A special presentation by Mark Stokes, director of a new feature-length documentary film on the outsider artist Henry Darger. Mr. Stokes will shows clips from his upcoming film and discuss his research, discoveries and adventures in Chicago!

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 at 6pm
Parsons The New School for Design
Kellen Auditorium,
66 5th Avenue (between 12th and 13th Streets)
New York, NY

[Image credit–Henry Darger: At Jennie Richee. At shore of Aronburg Run river storm comes up anew (Detail) © Kiyoko Lerner.]