Category Archives: Illustration Dept. Events

Picturing Politics

A symposium presented by the Illustration Program, Parsons The New School for Design and The Politics Department, New School for Social Research.

November 15, 2008, 1:00-5:30 P.M.
The New School
Tishman Auditorium
Johnson/Kaplan Hall, 66 WEST 12TH STREET

Illustrative responses to world events, large scale and small, have an effect both visceral and intimate. PICTURING POLITICS explores the current state of political and social visual commentary. The Illustration Program of Parsons The New School for Design and the Politics Department of The New School for Social Research jointly present an afternoon of reflections on the intersection of art and politics.

Guests include Daniel Dayan, leading media and politics analyst and visiting professor in the Department of Politics at the New School for Social Research (Media Events), Steven Heller, author and former New York Times art director (Iron Fists: Branding the 20th-Century Totalitarian State), Professor Joshua Brown, Executive Director, American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, CUNY (Beyond the Lines), Rutu Modan, Eisner award-winning graphic novelist from Israel (Exit Wounds), Peter Kuper, graphic novelist and co-editor of WW 3 magazine (Stop Forgetting to Remember), Steve Brodner, satiric visual commentator (Freedom Fries), Luba Lukova, political poster artist (Social Justice 2008: 12 Posters) and Anton Kannemeyer, South African artist and creator of visual narratives (Bittercomix).

The event will be held at the Tishman Auditorium of The New School, on November 15th, 1-5:30 pm and is free and open to the public. A book signing and refreshments will follow the symposium. Additionally, an exhibition of illustrated covers for Der Spiegel magazine will be on view at Parsons Illustration, 2 West 13th street, 8th floor, from November 14th through November 30th. There will be a reception in honor on November 14th, at 6pm.

[illustration by Guy Billout, Part-time Faculty]

Parsons/Poketo Wallet Jam Results!!

Through a partnership created with POKETO, Parsons Illustration held a wildly successful wallet jam on Sunday. The six-hour event yielded more than 60 entries for our Poketo competition. Judging of the ever-so-tasty submissions took place the next day with Angie and Ted from Poketo, American Illustration’s Mark Heflin and our own departmental chair, Steven Guarnaccia.

POKETO designs limited edition art products, accessories, apparel and decor, taking art off gallery walls and making it part of everyday life.  Congrats to our winners: Sophia Chang, Stella Jiyeun Lee, Shu Okada, Emmanuel Tavares and Chris Yip! And thanks to everyone who participated!

Information session for Make Music New York 2009

Make Music New York is a music festival like no other. Taking place on a single day, June 21st, last year’s event featured over 3,200 musicians giving 870 free musical performances in every genre, on streets, sidewalks, and parks throughout the City. Performances included 69 punk bands on Governors Island, a NYC Opera and NY Philharmonic block party, Roberta Flack singing with middle school students in Central Park, Bollywood Karaoke, and hundreds more.

Everything is free. Everything is outdoors. Anyone can sign up to make music.

For the last two years, Parsons students have designed the Make Music posters and programs (printed by Metro New York and amNewYork newspapers), the visual elements for Time Out New York’s dedicated MMNY website, and fliers and postcards for some individual concerts. This year, they’re looking for more than just new designs — they want proposals for radically new ways of promoting the event, that fit its outdoor, do-it-yourself, absurdly cheap spirit.

Aaron Friedman, creator and organizer of the festival, will be coming to Parsons next week to present this year’s project, and to show examples of the kinds of design interventions they’re looking for.

Thursday, October 2nd
2 p.m.
Illustration Library
Room 805, 2 W. 13th

We hope to see you all there. This is a tremendous opportunity for innovation, creativity, and publicity!

[Image created by Danielle MacIndoe]

Poketo Wallet Jam is on!

The Poketo Wallet Jam is this Sunday, September 28th! The Illustration department is hosting the event in rooms 802 and 803 at 2 West 13th Street.

Poketo is partnering with Parsons for this special competition. It’ll culminate during Illustration week in NYC. Students are invited to attend the Jam to create artwork for submission to Poketo. There’ll be a judging happening on Monday, September 29th and the top five pieces will be produced as a limited edition line of wallets.

Attendance at the Jam is mandatory for competition participation. It starts at 11 and ends at 5. The rooms will be stocked with supplies, cookies, pizza and music so don’t miss it!  We’ll send out more emails this week to remind y’all about it. In the meantime, email Noël if you have any questions!

Repost and Reminder: Beautiful Losers tonight!

Parsons Illustration Faculty Noel Claro has gotten Sidetrack Films to arrange for a special, FREE screening of the fantastic movie, Beautiful Losers for Parsons Illustration, CDT, Photo, and Fine Arts students. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!  Here’s the official description and trailer:

BEAUTIFUL LOSERS celebrates the spirit behind one of the most influential cultural moments of a generation.

In the early 1990’s a loose-knit group of likeminded outsiders found common ground at a little NYC storefront gallery. Rooted in the DIY (do-it-yourself) subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip hop & graffiti, they made art that reflected the lifestyles they led. Developing their craft with almost no influence from the “establishment” art world, this group, and the subcultures they sprang from, have now become a movement that has been transforming pop culture.

Starring a selection of artists who are considered leaders within this culture, Beautiful Losers focuses on the telling of personal stories. It speaks to themes of what happens when the outside becomes “in” as it explores the creative ethos connecting these artists and today’s youth.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.680661&w=425&h=350&]

There are still tickets left–this screening is open to all Illustration, Photo, CDT, and Fine Arts students at Parsons. So drop by and pick up your pass!

Beautiful Losers
T. Lang Center
55 W. 13th, 2nd Floor
7 p.m.
Tuesday, September 9th
Free tickets available in the Illustration Office (806, 2 W. 13th)

Beautiful Losers screening at Parsons!

Parsons Illustration Faculty Noel Claro has gotten Sidetrack Films to arrange for a special, FREE screening of the fantastic movie, Beautiful Losers. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!  Here’s the official description and trailer:

BEAUTIFUL LOSERS celebrates the spirit behind one of the most influential cultural moments of a generation.

In the early 1990’s a loose-knit group of likeminded outsiders found common ground at a little NYC storefront gallery. Rooted in the DIY (do-it-yourself) subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip hop & graffiti, they made art that reflected the lifestyles they led. Developing their craft with almost no influence from the “establishment” art world, this group, and the subcultures they sprang from, have now become a movement that has been transforming pop culture.

Starring a selection of artists who are considered leaders within this culture, Beautiful Losers focuses on the telling of personal stories. It speaks to themes of what happens when the outside becomes “in” as it explores the creative ethos connecting these artists and today’s youth.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.680661&w=425&h=350&]

There are still tickets left–this screening is open to all Illustration, Photo, CDT, and Fine Arts students at Parsons. So drop by and pick up your pass!

Beautiful Losers
T. Lang Center
55 W. 13th, 2nd Floor
7 p.m.
Tuesday, September 9th
Tickets available in the Illustration Office

After the Fact: Montclair Art Museum Project

Students and Organizers of the exhibition

Montclair Art Museum recently held a exhibit called “The Elements of Fear” featuring work from the Sophomore Materials and Methods classes of the Parsons Illustration Department.

Gallery view

Jason Towns of the Montclair Art Museum’s “Museums and Opportunity Project,” a clubhouse program empowering people with brain injuries, has partnered with Parsons School of Design Illustration Department. on a unique classroom assignment.  The final results are currently on display at the Montclair Art Museum.

The project was about fear and how it is a factor in many emotions that are manifested in universal words. The assignment for this exhibition was to create illustrations that show how familiar words have an underlining element of fear.

The Parsons instructors were Ruth Marten, Chang Park, and Bob Sikoryak.

Chantal Bennett and Jason Towns

Congratulations to all the students involved in this exhibition and the instructors who helped them.  Also, our thanks to curator Jason Towns and Gary Schneider, Director of Education at the Museum, for inviting our students to participate.

Another gallery view

[Thanks to Bob and Cynthia for the images!]

Parsons Illustration at Comic-con in San Diego!

Parsons will host a panel at Comic-con in July 2008, featuring Parsons Faculty and alumni in a conversation about how art school, and in particular a Parsons Illustration education, prepares young artists to enter these areas of professional activity. The panel is titled:

“Toys, Comics and Characters: Illustrators as Entertainment Entrepreneurs”
Friday, July 25th, 2008
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Room 32AB
San Diego Convention Center
111 W. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA

Faculty and alumni joining us on the panel include: Tara McPherson (Parsons faculty, Vertigo Comics creator), Abby Denson (Alumna and Lulu Award Winning Cartoonist/Author of Tough Love: High School Confidential), Nora Krug (Parsons faculty, BLAB! contributor and internationally published illustrator) and Brian Wood (Parsons alumnus, iconoclastic indie creator of DMZ among other works).  The event will highlight the Illustration department’s curriculum and career paths our alumni have followed, while offering attendees information on Parsons degree programs.

Following the panel will be an alumni reception hosted by New School Alumni Relations.  Alumni attending Comic-con (or located in Southern California) and industry friends are invited to join Parsons faculty and representatives from Alumni Relations and Career Services for refreshments and conversation.  Details to follow!

Aftermath: Parsons Illustration Alumni Event at the Society of Illustrators

Back in March, New School Alumni Relations held a fantastic shindig up at the Society of Illustrators. The event was well-attended and a total blast! Here are a few snapshots:

Associate Professor Nora Krug, Dept. Chair Steven Guarnaccia, and Adjunct Faculty Eddie del Rosario

Soon-to-be Alumnae Lindsey Balbierz and Jasmine Wigandt

Alumni Peter de Seve addresses the crowd.

Graduating Illustration Senior Shanna Mahan and Adjunct Faculty & Alum Bob Sikorayk are in view!

See the rest of the photo set here and visit the New School Alumni Relations site to learn more about upcoming alumni events. Also, make sure to keep the department updated on your accomplishments so we can let everyone know!

Reminder and Repost: Parsons Illustration Pre-Commencement Reception

Parsons Illustration Pre-Commencement Reception

This Afternoon–Wednesday, May 14th, 3-5 p.m.

Theresa Lang Student Center

55 W. 13th, 2nd Floor

Graduating Seniors–Bring your family and significant others for a reception featuring:

*Wine by the glassful!
*Snacks including cheese and cookies!
*Live quasi-experimental music!
*Fancy diploma covers!
*Possibly even some tote bags!

This is a great chance to meet up with all your classmates for one last time as Seniors.
Dish with your instructors, present and past.
Introduce everyone to everyone.

Don’t miss it. It is *the* graduation-related event of May, 2008.
All Illustration Faculty and Graduating Seniors are invited.