Category Archives: Illustration Dept. Events

Sustainable Architecture: Communication through Art


For over 30 years Development Workshop France (DWF) has promoted sustainable settlement and shelter development, respecting existing values and utilizing local skills and resources.  Current projects focus on vulnerability reduction and the resolution of human settlement difficulties in Africa and South East Asia-difficulties that result from wide-ranging changes to the way people live, whether climatic and environmental, socioeconomic and demographic, or as a result of man-made and natural disasters and war.

DWF is the only nonprofit organisation ever to win two World Habitat Awards: in 1998 for Woodless Construction in Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso; and in 2008 for Prevention of Typhoon Damage in Vietnam.

On Monday March 2, the founder and president of DWF will present DWF’s recent work in Burkina Faso and in Vietnam, and discuss the role that illustration, animation, music, and drama have played in educating and training on the local level.  Please join us in Kellen Auditorium at 4PM for this truly interdisciplinary event. More details of DWF’s work are on their web site:

This event is hosted by Parsons faculty members Carol Overby, Design + Management, and Nora Krug, Illustration

John Norton, founder and president
Development Workshop France

Kellen Auditorium
66 Fifth Avenue, ground floor

Monday March 2  4-6PM
Space is limited; RSVP

Follow-up: Picturing Politics Symposium

Check out some highlights from this past weekend’s “Picturing Politics” symposium, hosted by Parsons Illustration and the Politics department of the New School for Social Research.  You can see more images here.  Our thanks to everyone who participated and attended!

Reminder: Picturing Politics is today!

A symposium presented by the Illustration Program, Parsons The New School for Design and The Politics Department, New School for Social Research.

November 15, 2008, 1:00-5:30 P.M.
The New School
Tishman Auditorium
Johnson/Kaplan Hall, 66 WEST 12TH STREET

Illustrative responses to world events, large scale and small, have an effect both visceral and intimate. PICTURING POLITICS explores the current state of political and social visual commentary. The Illustration Program of Parsons The New School for Design and the Politics Department of The New School for Social Research jointly present an afternoon of reflections on the intersection of art and politics.

Guests include Daniel Dayan, leading media and politics analyst and visiting professor in the Department of Politics at the New School for Social Research (Media Events), Steven Heller, author and former New York Times art director (Iron Fists: Branding the 20th-Century Totalitarian State), Professor Joshua Brown, Executive Director, American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, CUNY (Beyond the Lines), Rutu Modan, Eisner award-winning graphic novelist from Israel (Exit Wounds), Peter Kuper, graphic novelist and co-editor of WW 3 magazine (Stop Forgetting to Remember), Steve Brodner, satiric visual commentator (Freedom Fries), Luba Lukova, political poster artist (Social Justice 2008: 12 Posters) and Anton Kannemeyer, South African artist and creator of visual narratives (Bittercomix).

The event will be held at the Tishman Auditorium of The New School, on November 15th, 1-5:30 pm and is free and open to the public. A book signing and refreshments will follow the symposium. Additionally, an exhibition of illustrated covers for Der Spiegel magazine is on view at Parsons Illustration, 2 West 13th street, 8th floor, through November 30th. There will be a reception in honor tonight, November 14th, at 6pm.

[illustration by Guy Billout, Part-time Faculty]

Der Spiegel Exhibition at Parsons Illustration


In conjunction with the upcoming PICTURING POLITICS symposium, the Illustration Program at Parsons The New School for Design invites you to a reception for an exhibition of illustrated covers for Der Spiegel magazine this coming Friday, November 14th, at 6 p.m. The reception will be held at the Parsons Illustration lobby at 2 W 13th street, 8th floor, and the exhibit will be on view until November 30th.

Der Spiegel is one of the most significant political magazines in Europe. It was founded in Germany in 1947, only two years after the fall of the Nazi regime, and it marked the beginning of a liberal era in Germany.

Since its beginning, Der Spiegel has employed some of the world’s most talented illustrators and caricaturists. The exhibition this Friday will feature illustrated covers from various decades – covers that give witness to Germany’s reconstruction after WWII, its political division during the Cold War, and finally, to the realities it has faced since its reunification, as a nation in a global world.

Please join us and Barbara Berry from Der Spiegel for this event on Friday.

Der Spiegel Illustrated Covers
Illustration Department
2 W. 13th, 8th floor lobby
Reception: November 14th, 6 p.m.

Follow-up: Moleskine Jam

moleskine 1

Check out these cool pictures taken at the Parsons Illustration/Moleskine Sketchbook Jam, which happened earlier this month.  Over twenty students participated and Part-time Faculty member George Bates helped inspire, motivate, and encourage everyone to make beautiful work.

Continue reading

Picturing Politics on 11.15.08

picturing politics

The Illustration Program at Parsons The New School for Design and the Department of Politics at The New School for Social Research would like to invite you to the following event:

November 15, 2008, 1:00-5:30 P.M.
The New School, Tishman Auditorium
Johnson/Kaplan Hall, 66 WEST 12TH STREET

Free and open to the public

Illustrative responses to world events, large scale and small, have an effect both visceral and intimate. PICTURING POLITICS explores the current state of political and social visual commentary. The Illustration Program of Parsons The New School for Design and the Department of Politics of The New School for Social Research jointly present an afternoon of reflections on the intersection of art and politics.

Guests include Daniel Dayan, leading media and politics analyst from France and visiting professor in the Department of Politics at the New School for Social Research, Steven Heller, author and former New York Times art director, Professor Joshua Brown, Executive Director, American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at CUNY, Rutu Modan, Eisner award-winning graphic novelist from Israel, Peter Kuper, graphic novelist and co-editor of WW 3 magazine, Steve Brodner, satiric visual commentator, Luba Lukova, political poster artist and Anton Kannemeyer, South African artist and creator of visual narratives. A book signing will follow the symposium.

Additionally, an exhibition of illustrated covers for Der Spiegel magazine is on view at Parsons Illustration, 2 West 13th street, 8th floor, from November 14th through November 30th. There will be a reception in honor on November 14th, at 6pm.