
Pastry 1
oil on canvas, 2018
Foot massage, Single Channel Video,
Running time: 02:26 min
Trailer: 50 sec

Pastry 2
oil pastel on paper, 11 in x 14 in , 2019
Performance 1, Two Channel Video, 2019
Running time: 06:39 min
Trailer: 50 sec

Love flan
oil pastel on paper, 11 in x 14 in , 2019

Pig foot
oil pastel on paper, 11 in x 14 in, 2019
My works attempt to understand the meaning of life through allegory. Some of what is considered important in life should actually be ig- nored, yet what is truly important goes largely ignored by humanity.
Obsession, discomfort, and fear about our role in the world and the way we present ourselves fuels our desire to create and inspire beau- ty and harmony. Through this creativity and inspiration, we cele- brate the joy and duality of life by at once challenging and embrac- ing the brutal yet vulnerable nature of humanity.
I explore these themes in my work through a multidisciplinary ap- proach, employing a variety of mediums and techniques to make my vision a reality.
I often use animals and plants, victims of human ugliness and nega- tivity, as analogies of the human body. Though humans, animals, and plants are all living entities, human concepts like morality, technolo- gy, and language regulate and restrict humanity’s perception of life. My work seeks to highlight the inconsistency and cruelty of this thinking while encouraging the sensitivity in human nature by ex- ploring it through the concept of human sensuality.
Perception through language is limited; words cannot capture that which can only be felt.