Stalagmite Monster, 2018
Wool Yarn, Honey, Lemon, Flour, Tea Tree Oil
48 in x 12 in

Stalagmite Monster, 2018
Wool Yarn, Honey, Lemon, Flour, Tea Tree Oil
48 in x 12 in

Plume, 2019
Wool, Dried Spanish Moss
84 in x 91in

Plume, 2019
Wool, Dried Spanish Moss
84 in x 91in

Chrysalis Shell, 2019
Wool, Yarn, Palm Fronds
36 in x 14 in

Chrysalis Shell, 2019
Wool, Yarn, Palm Fronds
36 in x 14 in
Employing traditional textile craft and the collection of natural materials, I create sculptures that engage
the five senses and embody chrysalis structures crafted by imaginary or mythical creatures. My process
involves foraging within parks, beaches, and forests, assembling organic found materials alongside finger
crochet and knotwork. Pieces range from hanging objects to floor works, incorporating pastes you can
smell and touch made from dried plants, tea tree oil, and lemon juice. The textiles are formed through
gestural crochet methods, omitting the use of structured patterns and instead of arriving at form through
repetition, allowing the crochets and knots to repeat until the piece forms itself. This practice allows the
form to develop on its own, mimicking the instinctual process of a creature forming structures 1n nature.
My work connects my childhood ideologies of collection and my present interpretation of imagined
otherworldly beings. It is a sentimental connection evoked by objects, texture, and nature directly
implemented into mythologically inspired structures.