
Installation view featuring the artist re-telling the story of the work; handmade crepe paper flowers and wooden pergola with digital video projection (unpictured).

My Dad Might Be Dead (the last time we spoke)
Audience capture (no formal documentation allowed); performance in which I tattoo myself.

Among US
Composite still; 4 channel video projection installation.

Installation view; Polyester, plastic, projected digital video, sound.

Love Greens
Still; 8 minute digital video.

Love Greens
Still; 8 minute digital video.
My work interrogates the generation of contending records (co-realities) among multiple witnesses who have experienced the same event. Through digital and physical layering and collage, I reveal the divergent alternate realities that are created in parallel. Using transparent materials and hollowed out digital imagery, I examine those details which have been canonized as objective record and appear visually unmarred by personal interpretation in each account generated among the group. Using 3-dimensional installation, performance, and collage, I present multiple narratives simultaneously.
With video works, like Among US (2019) and Love Greens (2018), I present contending accounts using luma and color keying to layer textured interior perceptions with filmed events that act like documents of the historical record. In performance works, like Adjustments (2018) and My Dad Might Be Dead (the last time we spoke) (2019) I reveal the discomfort of psychological weight generated when a personal truth diverges painfully from another’s an impression of the same event. By eschewing documentation, the memory becomes a medium for my work. With Bougainvillea (2019), I use found footage to present highly specific memories from my youth, pitting them against recorded phone calls with relatives that recall undercurrents of tension in my fraught family history. Here, the audience is an interloper through which I scrutinize the process of re-contextualizing of discrete events.
My works evoke the alternatingly beautiful and troubling process of searching through many
layers of co-realities—not to discern “truth,” but as a process for mediating the pain of divergent Perspectives.