Wendy Popp curates “Gifted” featuring Parsons Illustration Alumni and Faculty members

The Voracious Reader invites you to join them for “Gifted”, a book signing event and exhibition of the art of the children’s picture book!

An esteemed group of artists will gather for the opening of this very special show, curated by local artist and Parsons Illustration Adjunct Wendy Popp.

The show will open on Sunday, Dec 5th at 2pm and run through Dec 19th. Exhibiting artists include Parsons Illustration alumn Peter DeSeve (The Duchess of Whimsy) and Parsons Illustration faculty members Wendy Popp (One Candle/Where the Sunrise Begins), Guy Billout (Journey/The Frog Who Went to See the Sea) and Sergio Ruzzier (Amandina/Hey! Rabbit!).  Other featured artists include Istvan Banyai, Rudy Gutierrez, Susan Jeffers, Javaka Steptoe, Shaun Tan, Ed Young and Lisbeth Zwerger. Many of the artists will be on hand to sign their books. Original and printed  artwork will be on sale as well.

Don’t miss this rare and wonderful gathering of gifted artists as we celebrate the many gifts of the season! Refreshments and opportunities for little ones to share their gifts as well.

Sunday, December 5, 2:00pm – 5:00pm
The Voracious Reader
1997 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, NY

Katie Turner (Illustration ’10) has “My Week in Bologna” printed!


“My Week in Bologna” was created by Katie Turner, BFA Illustration ’10, for the Parsons Illustration blog, “Words & Pictures,” http://parsonsillustrationprogram.com/, as a report from her trip as Parsons Illustration emissary to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in the spring of 2010.  The zine will be distributed to prospective students through the admissions department of the university.  Pretty good publicity for  Illustration and for Katie’s beautiful work.

Congratulations to Katie on her accomplishments!  We feel proud to call her an Illustration Alumna.

Book Maker’s Dozen event at Powerhouse Arena

Thirteen Leading Children’s Book Illustrators Will Present and Discuss Their Works

Thursday, December 2, 7–9 PM
The powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
Please RSVP: rsvp@powerhousearena.com

Thirteen leading children’s book illustrators—including those who brought us Ivy and BeanMoonshotPercy Jackson and the OlympiansMadelineSeries of Unfortunate EventsTrucktownOswald and more—will be presenting and discussing their works. They also have banded together to create a set of limited edition prints featuring favorite images from their most recent and best-loved books. Signed limited edition prints will be available for $100. Join us for the opening reception and discussion of their work and the world of book illustration.

Participating Artists:

  • Selina Alko
  • Peter Brown
  • Brian Floca
  • David Gordon
  • Dan Yaccarino (Parsons Illustration Alum)
  • Boris Kulikov
  • Sophie Blackall
  • Brett Helquist
  • Aileen Leijten
  • Sergio Ruzzier (Parsons Illustration Faculty)
  • John Bemelmans Marciano
  • Sean Qualls
  • John Rocco

Find out more here:


Pop-Up Shop at Mike Perry’s Studio is in full swing

Parsons Illustration Adjunct Faculty member Mike Perry passed along some rad details about a pop-up shop he’s hosting, which features his work as well as work by a host of other amazing artists and illustrators (including another Parsons Illustration adjunct, Josh Cochran!).  Here’s the word:
I am planning a pop-up / open studio sale here in my studio starting next saturday the 27th – Dec. 1st.   Here are all the details! 

I am going to transform my studio into a gallery / shop for the opening of my week long pop-up shop. The doors open on Saturday the 27th at 10am. This year’s sale is going to be overflowing with amazing prints, zines, books, tee shirts, original drawings, and so much more from some of your favorite designers, illustrators, artists.

This years will include work by Justin Fines, Sonnenzimmer, Josh Cochran, Jim Stoten, Luke Ramsey, Jim Datz, Me, and so many more.

November 27th – December 1st
10am – 5pm
925 Bergen Street Suite 308
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Btwn. Franklin and Classon

Don’t miss it, everyone!  Stock up on holiday gifts you can get nowhere else, plus definitely grab something for yourself.

La Mama Puppet Series through Nov. 28th

By Loco 7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company

Through November 28, 2010

With its newest production, “In Retrospect,” LOCO7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company investigates how we each construct our personal memory box:  how we keep our memories fresh and preserve the things that made us who we are.  These include our mothers’ embraces, lost loves, childhood dreams, ideals of youth and struggles of age, loss and birth.

The production features giant puppets, marionette scenery, masks, choreography, acrobatics, live original music and video.  A large marionette tree dangles fruits high above our reach which, when dropped, grow into our memories.  Some of them summon feelings of being loved and secure, others evoke the opposite.  For example, one scene depicts a huge Mother marionette and her little children, revealing the pleasure of hiding within the safety of her giant legs.  Another scene has a puppet telephone and a character waiting for a call with a mixture of dread and excitement.  We are reminded of our emotional dependence on the appliance as a “life line” which can be either a comfort or a monster.

Reflecting the compartmentalization of our feelings, the stage will have a room-within-a-room where a person lives her life locked behind a wall. With this self inflicted alienation, she watches the world living yet remains cut off, unable to interact with society, hiding behind to safety zone of technology.

The production will be designed, choreographed, and directed by Federico Restrepo, a Colombian-born master of puppet theater and physical theater. The piece is being written and developed by Federico Restrepo and Denise Greber. Music will be composed by Elizabeth Swados; this is her fourth collaboration with Restrepo.

Conceived by
Directed by
Music by

Through November 28, 2010

Blab World featuring Illustration faculty and alum!

BLABWORLD is an annual coffee-table showcase of Fine art, Illustration, and Comics, and a gold-standard in the work of professional visual artists. Many of BLAB!’s contributors through the years have gone on to huge success in the gallery world (Chris Ware, Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup, Camille Rose Garcia, Joe Coleman, The Clayton Brothers, Shag, etc.) and the current volume sharpens BLAB!’s cutting-edge like never before.

BLAB! is conceived, edited, and designed by five-time NY Festival of Advertising award-winner Monte Beauchamp.

Full-time faculty Steven Guarnaccia and Nora Krug, part-time faculty Sergio Ruzzier and Parsons Illustration alumnus Andy Kehoe are feeatured in the book!
Grab your copy here.  Congrats to all involved!

Photographic Proof of Pictoplasma!


This past Saturday from 3-10 PM, Pictoplasma came to Parsons from Berlin. Parsons Illustration provided some talent of its own, and we attracted some 400 attendees. We also attracted the New York Fire Department, when Craig Redman’s presentation was interrupted by a fire alarm and a building evacuation. Happily, all were safe and we proceeded with the program. Above are some snaps from the event.

Thank you to all who participated and attended this fantastic event!  See you next time!

Opposing Sides to IP Legal Issues, Conflicts Examined, Discussed & Explained, for Graphic Artists

Opposing Sides to IP Legal Issues, Conflicts Examined, Discussed & Explained, for Graphic Artists
Wed, November 17, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Pratt Institute Manhattan
144 W. 14th Street, Room 213
New York City

Join the Graphic Artists Guild as they welcome intellectual property lawyers Thomas A. Crowell, Esq. and Sheafe B. Walker, Esq. who will discuss copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and other legal issues pertaining to graphic artists.  The New York Chapter is the largest and oldest (inc. 1971) chapter of the Graphic Artists Guild, a labor union of commercial artists and related industries. Since 1967, the Guild’s mission has been to raise industry standards and help improve visual creators’ professional careers.

The plot unfolds by way of a comic book spread for “The Adventures of Maggot Man,” an intentionally problem-ridden comic written by Mr. Crowell and illustrated by Allan Norico and created for this year’s NY Comic Con legal seminar. Mr. Crowell and Mr. Walker will take opposing views as they pull back the curtain to show you how lawyers debate the issues of copyright and trademark infringement, fair use, and parody.

Illustrator Allan Norico will shed some light on how to work with a lawyer in ensuring that your artwork raises as few legal issues as possible.

Thomas A. Crowell, Esq. is a founding partner of the law firm of Saperstein & Crowell, LLP. He is a NYC based attorney whose practice includes copyright, licensing, film, and television, among other areas (see his website, www.thomascrowell.com for more details). The executive director emeritus of NJ Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Mr. Crowell teaches film and television law at the School of Visual Arts and has organized and conducted the comic book legal workshops at NY Comic Con for the past 4 years. He is also the author of “The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers,” (Focal Press, 2007).

Sheafe B. Walker, Esq. is founder of the Law Office of Sheafe Walker and has represented Art Harlem and its affiliated artists (www. sheafewalker.com). Mr. Walker has presented lectures on copyright and contract issues faced by artists, creators and publishers at the New York Comic Con and the School of Visual Arts. Mr. Walker is a contributor of “The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers,” (focal press, 2007).

Alan Norico is a character designer and illustrator whose clients include Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, Sony PlayStation, and Microsoft. http://3distic.blogspot.com

Special Fall Discount!
Pre-register, and members pay $10, non-members pay $15
Full price is $15 for members and $20 for non-members
(Students and Seniors get $5 off these prices)
Free for all Pratt students, faculty, and staff

To Register: Use the PayPal button below, email ny@gag.org, call 212-791-3400 ext 11, or fax 212-791-0333. You can also download a registration form from our website, newyork.gag.org and mail to 32 Broadway, Suite 1114, New York, NY 10004

Anno Design Competition

The Anno design competition covers the following 7 design disciplines:-

Graphic Design
Industrial Design

Some of New Yorks finest industry are on board judging the finalists: Yoko Fursho judging Illustration, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson judging Architecture, Interbrand for Graphic Design, Droog for Industrial Design, Chris Buck for Photography and one of New York’s finest fashion labels, Three As Four judging fashion.

It’s a fantastic opportunity for the students to showcase their latest work.

The winning entries will be published in an internationally distributed annual featuring the top student work from around the world and the exposure is great for all involved.

Entries deadline is November 28.

For more information visit annobooks.com