Category Archives: Randomly Intriguing

Liz Lomax: The Making of Noel Gallagher

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Illustration Alum Liz Lomax passed along this video she recently created.  It documents her unique creative process which involves:

sculpting characters, building environments and then photographing them digitally for illustration.

You can check out more of her work and projects at her blog.

Thanks for sharing, Liz!

Cabinet of Wonder event at NYIH featuring Lauren Redniss!


The New York Institute for the Humanities and the Humanities Initiative at NYU
Present An All-Day

Wonder Cabinet

curated by Lawrence Weschler

with Jonathan Lethem, Tara Donovan, Robert Krulwich, Bill Morrison, Richard McGuire, Bob Sabiston, Lauren Redniss (Parsons Illustration Faculty), Wholphin, and others.

Saturday February 21, Noon till 9pm
Cantor Film Center at NYU, 36 East 8th Street
Free and open to the public, on a first-come, first-in basis

On Saturday, February 21, the NYIH will delve back into the roots of the modern Humanities in the sixteenth century’s Age of Marvels, when the sorts of disciplines that would eventually separate out into distinct Arts and the Sciences, as currently understood, still comingled promiscuously and sometimes well-nigh deliriously.  For, as the curator of the day-long event, Lawrence Weschler (director of the Institute and the author, among others, of the Pulitzer-nominated Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonders and the NBCC-Award-winning Everything that Rises: A Book of Convergences) suggests, what with the expansion of the Web, the Net, and other such proliferating technologies, our current era is witnessing a similarly happy debauch of interpenetrating categories, a time when scientists and artists, fictionaros and filmmakers and historians and digital innovators all have a whole lot to say to each other.

Keep reading for a complete schedule of events!

Continue reading

Weekend Sendoff: Obama–the man, the doodle, the logo


The president-elect is apparently a doodler.  See Exhibit A, above, which Obama created for charity in 2007.  According to the Chicago Tribune:

The Obama doodle…contains likenesses of some of the Senate’s most powerful members: Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Democratic colleagues Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Dianne Feinstein of California and Charles Schumer of New York.

In more professional news, here’s a two-interview with Sol Sender, who co-designed the now iconic logo for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

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Additionally, here’s a brief snippet of an interview with Sol, conducted by Steve Heller:

Steven Heller: How did you get the job of designing the Obama logo?

Sol Sender: We got the job through Mode. Steve Juras, a classmate of mine from graduate school is the creative director there. They have a long-standing relationship with AKP&D Message and Media, a campaign consulting firm led by David Axelrod and David Plouffe among others.

Q: Have you done other political logos in the past?

A: No, we had not.

Q: I have to ask, since many agencies that do political campaigns are simply “doing a job,” did you have strong feelings one way or the other for the Obama candidacy?

A: We were excited to work on the logo and energized by the prospect of Mr. Obama’s campaign. However, we didn’t pursue or develop the work because we were motivated exclusively by ideology. It was an opportunity to do breakthrough work at the right time in what’s become a predictable graphic landscape.

Q: How many iterations did you go through before deciding on this “O”? Was it your first idea?

A: We actually presented seven or eight options in the first round, and the one that was ultimately chosen was among these. In terms of our internal process, though, I believe the logo — as we now know it — came out of a second round of design explorations. At any rate, it happened quite quickly, all things considered. The entire undertaking took less than two weeks.

Read the rest of the interview here.

Follow-up: All that black tape!

lahey tape 1

Guest entry by Sean Lahey, Jr. Concepts Instructor

What’s with the tape on the floor?

The Junior Concepts class bombed the hallway outside the illustration department office a few weeks ago as the final piece of the classes in-studio project that week.  Students were asked to start the project by writing a list in their sketchbooks.  Things that excited them or scared them or got under their skin. Things that motivated them to go out and change something.  Hot topics.  Buzz words.  Whatever.

Then they selected one, and were asked to imagine the call had come.  The biggest city daily newspaper has requested a small spot illustration for a piece on your most passionate topic.

Three inches by three inches.  Black and White only please…  They were asked to make their illustrations strong.  Give them visual impact despite their size.  Be attentive to balance and weight.  This was their shot.

Lastly, the hook… and the fun part of the lesson.

3 inches by 3 inches translates to 3 floor tiles by three floor tiles very easily when your line weight is suddenly one inch thick.

Enter the plumbers tape, selling at every corner bodega for about 90 cents a roll.

lahey tape 2

In this extremely cluttered visual environment that we all compete in, a lot of getting yourself out there is just making the leap and trying to figure out a new way to get noticed.  The “Concepts” agenda for this project was think big and different, think public but non-permanent, and as always, keep it cheap.

Your word is out.  Or, in this case, at least the illustrated version of your word.

And it’ll be seen by everyone in the department for, ohhh…  about the several weeks (or months).

Give or take the strength of the cleaning solvents used by the janitors.

Thanks to Sean for the explanation and his students for the art!