School of Art, Media, and Technology

Ethics for Art and Architecture Workshop – Registration extended to Friday, March 22nd!


This workshop will address the ways in which ethics and accountability operate in the respective fields of art and architecture, in order to rearticulate issues related to construction practices and workers’ rights…

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NRM Gallery Presents a Screening of Parsons Alum Film – Wednesday

Film Screening

NRM Gallery is proud to present a screening of BHONER, a film by 2012 Parsons Alum Colin Shields. The screening will be this Wednesday, March 20th at 9pm in the Kellen Auditorium….

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New York Times' Blog "The Local" Covers Last Week's Parsons/Pratt Benefit Show


We here at the School of Art, Media and Technology are so proud of the spontaneous, Fine Arts student-organized benefit auction and exhibition that raised over a thousand dollars for Pratt…

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New York Times’ Blog “The Local” Covers Last Week’s Parsons/Pratt Benefit Show


We here at the School of Art, Media and Technology are so proud of the spontaneous, Fine Arts student-organized benefit auction and exhibition that raised over a thousand dollars for Pratt…

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GENDER PLAY Parsons Hosts Gender Design and Art Conference

Events Faculty News

Yerim and Her Pink Things, The Pink and the Blue (2005) JeongMee Yoon GENDER PLAY Parsons Hosts Gender Design and Art Conference Featuring Paola Antonelli, Laurene Leon Boym, and Ernesto Pujol…

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Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Jack Whitten

Visiting Lecture Series

Jack Whitten is originally from Alabama. He went to Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to begin studying art and became involved in Civil Rights demonstrations there. Angered by the violent resistance…

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Tonight: Double Your Pleasure With Two Art Events at 66 Fifth!


Join artists Luke DuBois and Eva and Franco Mattes with curator Christiane Paul tonight in the Kellen Gallery for a tour of The Public Private show. Then, continue on up to…

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New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium: Symbolia cofounder Erin Polgreen


The thirty-seventh meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Parsons The New School, 2 West 13th Street in The Bark…

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Opening Reception for Vantan Tokyo / Fashion Week Photography Show: Wednesday


Come view a wonderful selection of photographs from the recent collaboration between Vantan Tokyo and Parsons’ Fashion Photography class, taught by Thomas Werner, and Graphic Design 1 class, taught by Julia…

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TransLate Show Opening Tomorrow at 25 east gallery

Exhibitions Student News

We are pleased to invited you to the opening of TransLate, Tuesday, March 12th 6-8 pm. 25 East 13th Street 5th floor Featuring the works of MFA Fine Art students: Krista…

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Conference 3/15-3/17: The Revolution Recodified: Digital Culture and the Public Sphere in Cuba


A conference organized by Coco Fusco and Chris Stover, and hosted by The New School and New York University March 15 – 17, 2013 The Revolution Recodified is a three-day conference at…

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Join Parsons Faculty and CUP for Not Watered Down: A Screening and Discussion

Film Screening

A lot of things are hidden under the streets of New York City, one of which is an immense grid of water pipes that feed and move the water through this…

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SexEd Collab Videos: Showing Now Through the Weekend at Cuchifritos Gallery

Exhibitions Student Work

These creative sex education videos, created by students in the SexEd Collab, taught by Norene Leddy and Elizabeth Slagus, will be exhibited at Cuchifritos Gallery at Essex Market as part of the…

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Visiting Artist Lecture Series – Hans Haacke

Events Visiting Lecture Series

Hans Haacke was born in Cologne, Germany, in 1936. He has lived in New York since 1965. He has been awarded numerous prizes for his work including the Golden Lion of…

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Aperture/Parsons Talk | Hank Willis Thomas

Events Lectures

Aperture Foundation and the Photography Program in the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design present: Spring 2013 Photography Lecture Series Hank Willis Thomas Tuesday, March…

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Tonight's Pratt + Parsons Fundraiser & Exhibition covered by the Wall Street Journal!


Please check out the Wall Street Journal article, which highlights the painful loss for senior students in Pratt Institute’s painting and drawing programs, but also celebrates the hope and inspiration that…

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Tonight’s Pratt + Parsons Fundraiser & Exhibition covered by the Wall Street Journal!


Please check out the Wall Street Journal article, which highlights the painful loss for senior students in Pratt Institute’s painting and drawing programs, but also celebrates the hope and inspiration that…

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Pratt + Parsons Exhibition and Fundraiser Thursday, March 7th


Students at Parsons The New School for Design were very saddened to learn about the recent fire at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. As a show of support for our fellow artists, the…

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GENDER PLAY Parsons Hosts Gender Design and Art Conference

Faculty News Symposia

Yerim and Her Pink Things, The Pink and the Blue (2005) JeongMee Yoon GENDER PLAY Parsons Hosts Gender Design and Art Conference Featuring Paola Antonelli, Laurene Leon Boym, and Ernesto Pujol…

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Visiting Artist Lecture Series – Wu Tsang

Visiting Lecture Series

Wu Tsang is a Los Angeles based artist and filmmaker. His artworks and performances have been presented at the 2012 Whitney Biennial and New Museum Triennial in New York, the ICA…

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