We are pleased to invited you to the opening of TransLate, Tuesday, March 12th 6-8 pm.
25 East 13th Street
5th floor
Featuring the works of MFA Fine Art students: Krista Clark, Maria Margarita Sanchez, Dena Soukieh, Alona Weiss, and Alejandro Yoshi
In translation there is always a lack. Language constantly fails to provide the true idea when a text or a speech is translated. Instead of a duplicate, we are left with an approximation of the original context, a re-contextualized version of the genuine text or speech. This transformation results in an approximately accurate idea that causes problems when it comes to understanding the message. To present an almost truth the idea requires a process of negotiation, in which the original language has its own autonomous directions and it is intrinsically linked and mediated by the culture that produced it. In TransLate translation is explored through the voices of five artists that examine the parallel structures that they share in terms of language and also the deleted pieces of information that is missing. These five artists uncover in their works the overlapping concepts within this idea of misplaced and misinterpreted information. Here, five different definitions and understandings of translation are exposed as the authors interpret the concept.