This past spring Juniors Franca Barone, Kristin Chae, Leigh Cunningham, Meghann Stephenson, and Janet Sung were selected by the faculty as our school’s nominees for the the Society of Illustrators Zankel Scholarship. The annual competition is open to full-time Illustration majors completing their Junior Year from schools throughout the United States. A renowned jury of illustrators chooses one student- the best of the Junior class- and financially supports the student’s Senior year with a scholarship of $20,000. We were very proud to have them represent the Parsons Illustration Program.
Please scroll down to see sample images from each student.
below: Franca Barone, Girl That Smokes (detail), Advanced Drawing, Jeff Quinn (faculty)
below: Kristin Chae, Troll Etiquette, Illustration Design Studio, Noel Claro
below: Leigh Cunnignham, Confession, Materials and Methods II, Chang Park
below: Janet Sung, City Murder, Junior Concepts 4, Guy Billout
below: Meghann Stephenson, January (left); February (right), personal