Tag Archives: grand concourse

International Ideas Competition: Grand Concourse at 100


The Bronx Museum of the Arts in partnership with Design Trust for Public Space launched Intersections: The Grand Concourse Beyond 100, an international ideas competition. Open to all, the competition solicits bold visions from architects, planners, artists, designers, students, area residents, and others, that illustrate and describe how the Bronx and the Grand Concourse can evolve in coming decades to cope with pressing needs for housing, green space, and transportation.

Up to 7 finalists will be awarded a $1,000 cash stipend to further develop their proposal for inclusion in the exhibition–Intersections: The Grand Concourse at 100 – Future at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, opening Nov. 1, 2009. A $5,000 first prize will be awarded to one of the seven finalists at the exhibit’s opening. Honorable Mentions will be awarded to up to 50 submissions, and will be displayed digitally during the exhibit in the Museum’s North Wing Lobby and also in an online gallery on the competition website.

Competition entries will be accepted until May 1, 2009 and judged by diverse and distinguished jury.

By 2030, New York City is projected to grow by over one million residents, and 124,000 will settle in the Bronx — the equivalent of the entire population of Ann Arbor, Michigan, or New Haven, Connecticut. With this substantial population growth on the horizon, recent robust investment in development, and the Grand Concourse’s centennial, now is the time to look at what the Bronx and its important thoroughfare will become beyond 100.

Visit the competition website and begin your submission today! In addition to application details, the website hosts extensive information about the Bronx and the Grand Concourse, including a slideshow of historic images, a video about the history of the Concourse, many current and historic maps, demographic data, recommended books and movies, and more.

Read more about this project here.  Good luck!

Bonus footage: Here’s a video of Sam Goodman, lifetime Bronx resident, giving a tour of the Grand Concourse this past October.

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