Tonight the Parsons Typography Club meets at “Booklyn”

Tonight, the new Parsons Typography Club will be going to “Booklyn,” an artists and bookmakers organization located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, to look at artists books that focus on typography and then discuss.

They will be meeting at Booklyn tonight (Thursday, February 28) at 7pm

37 Greenpoint Avenue
4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11222

For more info on Booklyn, please visit their website:

The Sao Tome Experience

Unspoiled africa banner


São Tomé and Príncipe, an island nation off of the west coast of Africa, is the unique setting for this  international study program. This tiny Portuguese-speaking country in the Gulf of Guinea is home to large number of native birds and plant life and is one of Africa’s most important nesting sites for a diverse range of sea turtles. In addition to its lush natural life, the culture of São Tomé and Príncipe offers a cultural mosaic in its people. A serene tropical paradise, São Tomé and Príncipe receives only about 20 tourists per week. Students on this program will be able to engage with the local population including artists and artisans while also having a chance to enjoy the sleepy fishing villages, the exotic biodiversity jungles, and the old colonial plantations of São Tomé Town.

There is no lack of subject matter for illustration and other  projects in this setting. Working under the guidance of the MICA instructors, students will work outdoors on-site in varying locales as they develop a body of work. Students may draw, paint, create a visual journalism project, an illustrated book project, and other projects. Slide lectures and field trips will complement the days working outdoors. Students will also attend musical performances and see a play that has been staged in São Tomé and Príncipe since the 16th century.

This month-long residency in São Tomé and Príncipe offers 3 studio credits in illustration or general fine arts, with an optional 3 credits in art history or humanistic studies–classes may be taken for undergraduate and graduate credit or audit. The program is open to undergraduate or graduate students (rising sophomores to second-year graduate students), and to lifelong learners at least 18 years of age who have completed at least one year of college study. All students must have a current, valid passport for travel.

To give you an overview of what students can do during their trip, here are some helpful links:
– Performance (Theater, Music, Dance, Fashion show) >
In Sao Tome, we work with different institutions such as Cacau,, the French Alliance, The Portuguese Cultural center and a few other places (bars, restaurants).

Student of the Week: Vincy Cheung

This week’s student of the week is Vincy Cheung.
Vincy specializes in pattern, illustration, and motion work featuring quirky and bold imagery.

Scroll down to view a sample of her work and artist statement:

Vincy Cheung, Pattern, personal

Vincy Cheung,Pattern,personal

Vincy Cheung, Chance  to Get, Illustraion Design Studio, Noel Claro

Vincy Cheung,Chance  to Get, Illustraion Design Studio, Noel Claro

Vincy Cheung, Clinical Trial, Motion, Collin McLain

Vincy Cheung,Clinical Trial, Motion,Collin McLain

[vimeo 55319819 w=600]

Artist Statement:

Vincy Cheung most often works with ink and markers which she later manipulates digitally. She enjoys the use of bold color in her illustrations paired with simple line work. She likes referencing existing objects from life and keeps the meaning behind her work open-ended. Vincy Cheung likes her illustrations to be fun, and have a particular sense of “weirdness” to it.

To view more of Vincy’s work, please be sure to visit her website:

Faculty Steven Guarnaccia Featured on PBS’s OFF BOOK

Watch as Steven contributes to the episode, The Art Of Illustration. Illustrators articulate what a photograph cannot. Using an array of techniques and styles, illustrators evoke stories and meaning in a variety of mediums, from editorial illustration in magazines and newspapers, to comics books, to activist media. And as their tasks over the years have become less informational and more expressive, their individual voice as artists becomes all the more critical and beautiful, revealing an exciting and awe-inspiring age of illustration.

OFF BOOK explores cutting edge arts and the artists that make it. Breaking the mold of the definition of art, OFF BOOK explores the avant-garde, the experimental and the underground artforms that are supported by online communities. The bi-weekly, web exclusive series includes episodes on typography, steampunk, internet culture, video game art and more.

Student of the Week: Emmy Reis

This week’s student of the week is Emmy Reis, illustrator, pattern/printmaker, and animator.
Along with a few of her peers, Emmy was chosen to speak at a special student character design panel at Pictoplasma (which unfortunately was cancelled due to the storm).

Scroll down to view a sample of her work and her artist statement:

Emmy Reis, Be My Valentine, personal


Emmy Reis, Kicking a can, Senior Thesis 1, Lauren Redniss

Emmy Reis, Hikkoshi / New Home, personal hikkoshi_0001

Artist Statement:

Emmy Reis likes to work with characters -some animals, some more ambiguous creatures- that live in a strange but whimsical world. She also likes to draw buildings or strange structures where things grow on top of each other sprouting plants or strange bubbly growths. Emmy Reis enjoys hand-drawn line art, digital rendering, and simple animations.

To view more of her work, please be sure to check out Emmy’s website:

Pictoplasma condensed to Sunday due to blizzard, new venue!

First Sandy…now Nemo! Pictoplasma NYC has been pushed back to this Sunday, for a POWER session, 10am to 4pm: Theresa Lang Student Center, 55 West 13th Street, Room 202 – 2nd floor

Unfortunately the unexpected has happened, again! The original venue, the Tishman Auditorium, along with the entire New School, has been shut down for today and tommorow due to the current blizzard warning.


The program will be a little dense, but inspiring none the less. Also, we expect things to get far more cozy and familiar than in the original venue. 
In the meanwhile we’d be thankful if you could help spread the word of this change with all those you know who were also planning to attend this weekend. Tweet, Facebook, text and shout! Thanks so much!



Student of the Week: Kristen Davis

The first of many weekly student of the week posts featuring exceptional current Parsons Illustration students that deserve a little extra shine.

This week’s student of the week is Kristen Davis, illustrator, printmaker, fine artist, and writer extraordinaire.

Scroll down to view a sample of her work and her artist statement:

Kristen Davis, Ghosts III, Senior Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty)


Kristen DavisLilypad, personal
*Featured on for a special promotion


Kristen DavisThe Witch, Senior Thesis 2, Jordin Isip (faculty)
(larger version available on her website)

Screen shot 2013-02-08 at 7.19.03 AM

Artist Statement:

Kristen Davis works equally with digital and traditional illustration, often bringing her subtle painterly touch to her digital pieces. She specializes in narrative based works, including character and landscape design, and concept art. Her art is crafted through atmosphere and storytelling, and while her color palette is often limited, the worlds where her characters exist are steeped in a rich air of mystery and pending adventure. She works primarily with oil paint, graphite, printmaking techniques, and digital media.

To see more work from Kristen, be sure to check out her website: