Nature Vs. Nurture opens Nov. 4 featuring Illustration Alums & Faculty

Bonnie Gloris (Parsons Illustration ’06) sent us the following email and information about a show opening this week and her own awesome accomplishments!  She writes:

I thought you would like to hear about a very interesting exhibition I’m curating that opens next week at Broadway Gallery NYC. The show includes several Parsons Illustration Department alumni and faculty members, including myself.  I thought you’d also like to hear that as a result of this curatorial project, Broadway Gallery NYC has hired me full-time as their Gallery Manager and also as the Art Director of their publication “NY Arts Magazine”.

Nature Vs. Nurture collects images that depict the tension between opposing forces, one wild and one domestic, that characterize the human psyche.

Nature Vs. Nurture
Broadway Gallery
473 Broadway, 7th Floor, NYC, NY 10013
November 1st – 15th, 2010
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 4th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM

All of the info can also be found here:

Parsons Illustration Alums George Bates (who is also faculty), Niina Cochran, Nathan Pickett, and Bonnie herself are all featuring in the show along with other wonderful illustrators including Parsons Illustration faculty members Jordin Isip, Chang Park, and Tim Okamura.

Congrats to Bonnie on her new role at the gallery, and to everyone else on their inclusion in this exciting show.

Broadway Gallery NYC
473 Broadway, 7th floor, New York, NY 10013
T: 212.274.8993 F: 212.226.3400