Photo Faculty Win the 2023 Creator Labs Photo Fund
Google’s Creator Labs and Aperture are thrilled to announce the recipients of the second season of The Creator Labs Photo Fund—an initiative providing financial support to encourage artists at formative moments in their careers. Started in 2021 and made possible by Google Devices and Services in partnership with Aperture, the second season of the Creator Labs Photo Fund supports thirty artists working in photography and lens-based practices with a one-time $6,000 grant.
Congratulations BFA Photo faculty: Shala Miller, Keisha Scarville, and Isaiah Winters!
Photo Faculty Colin Stearns’ Meridian Named One of the Best Photobooks of 2016 by photo-eye
BFA Photo Director Colin Stearns’ photobook Meridian named by photo-eye as one of the Best Photo Books of 2016.
Sarah Bradley writes:
Meridian is quiet and understated, straightforward in layout and small in scale but makes good use of those modest assets. It’s smartly designed. Intimately sized images appear and occasionally repeat, scenes are sometimes viewed from slightly different angles, sometimes printed lightly, making one unsure if the image is really there or if one is seeing the ghost of the photo on the reverse bleeding through. Images fade in and out. A figure appears on one page and then again on the following, but loosing distinction. Suddenly one becomes aware of the shadow of the image through the paper. The photographs move from coastal spaces to verdant ones to concrete and back again, but for me this book isn’t so much about that visual content. Images seem correlated with thought and feeling, the book unwrapping stream of consciousness style to reveal a solitary and heady place. I know this space well; I am often here – but never actually here. Stearns’ voice is well articulated and his Meridian is his own, co-existing as both familiar and foreign terrain.
PDNedu Student Photo Contest
The PDNedu Student Photo Contest is open to students of undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs, and also includes a category for high school students. Winners and honorable mentions will be recognized in the Spring 2017 issue of PDNedu, which has a circulation of 50,000 copies to students and educators nationwide. Featured photographers will also be promoted to PDN‘s online audience of more than 350,000 followers.
Grand-prize winners will also receive prizes that include a Nikon DSLR camera, $150 to B&H Photo and Video and a portfolio consultation with an editor at PDN or a contest judge.
For more information and to enter, visit
Fakes & Forgeries: Legal Challenges Panel Discussion, 11/29
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall
55 West 13th Street, Room I-202, New York, NY 10011
Join the School of Art, Media, and Technology for an insightful panel discussion exploring the legal and cultural implications of art fakes and forgeries, as soon through some of the most famous art forgery cases in history.
5.00 – 5.30PM Arrival & Registration
5.30 – 7:00PM Panel Discussion
7:00 – 8.30PM Networking Reception
The Honorable Judge Paul G. Gardephe, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Ms. Philippa Loengard, Deputy Director and Lecturer in Law, Kemochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts, Columbia Law School
Professor James Ramer, Artist and Associate Professor, Director MFA Photography, The New School/Parsons
Rick King, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer Thomson Reuters
This panel is presented by Thomson Reuters and Parsons MFA Photography
BFA Photo Faculty Justine Kurland Featured on The New Yorker

“Simply Nutritious Morning Blend,” 2008.
Justine Kurland, photographer and BFA Photo faculty was recently featured on The New Yorker website, alongside an article she wrote entitled Six Years on the Road, as an Artist and a Mother. The article describes her journey trekking across the United States over a span of 6 years with her young son, Casper:
We crossed the country many, many times. Our migrations followed the weather, so that the barefoot pleasures of summer could extend as long as possible into the winter months. We climbed rocks in the desert and trees in the forest, built forts out of sticks, and spiced our mud pies with pine needles. A bump in the road would jostle an assortment of glass jars, spilling insect specimens onto the floor of the van. The next day, we would wake up with ladybugs in our hair; I discovered that they bite. Casper thought it was normal—thought other mamas loaded sheet film at McDonald’s, other kids stacked rocks while their parents composed scenes. On waking from a nap in his car seat, he might ask me, “Where are we, Mama? Are we shopping for views?” Or, pointing out a van along the way, he would inquire, “Who lives in that Mama Car?” Often, people thought we were homeless and offered us food or money. Other parents would pull their children away from us in playgrounds: “Suzy,” they would say, “come play over here.”
Her work is also a part of an upcoming photo book published by Aperture.