Pedro Troncoso

  • Pedro Troncoso

  • The Charlatans

  • A group of characters who turned an adult space into their playground

  • The Charlatans

    This sculpture consists of a group of characters who turned an adult space into their playground in order to express their hidden inner child though toys. Freud affirms that the first five years of our lives are crucial for our adult formation. However, as we become adults, we forget how it feels to be a kid.  Gradually, we feel restricted and scared because what used to be simple and spontaneous is now conditioned by social standards. We end up feeling confused and fading away as we fit in “the box” of real-life adulthood. Consciously or not, ‘what others might think about us’ seems to be stuck in the back of our heads.

    Yet, The Charlatans have refused to belong to that stereotyped world. Instead, they rebuilt the quotidian boring ‘box’ into their own playground in order to exist. They are adults who were pretending to fit in the box of social norms, but they were missing their honest, intuitive, and spontaneous days from their past. For that reason, they decided to rescue their courage from childhood in order to create their own ideal world filled with illusions and dreams. As a result, the sculpture is a celebration of their inner immortal child who used to be simpler, natural and unfiltered in comparison with today’s complications of being an adult. In other words, The Charlatans represent a reencounter with the spirit, fearlessness, and illusions from the past, achieved through the toys as tools.