School of Art, Media, and Technology

  • Communication Design | BFA, MPS
  • Data Visualization | MS
  • Design and Technology | BFA, MFA
  • Fine Arts | BFA, MFA
  • Graphic Design | AAS
  • Illustration | BFA
  • Photography | BFA, MFA
  • Printmaking

IGDA Meeting, April 22

Attention all students interested in gaming!!! CDT will be hosting an International Game Developers Association NYC chapter meeting tonight in the new Parsons auditorium downstairs at 2 W. 13th St. Topic:…

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2008 Thesis Review Schedule

Want to know when your favorite MFA DT student is giving his/her thesis presentation? Check the schedule:
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Toshio Iwai at Southpaw TONIGHT! FREE!

Come see the amazing Toshio Iwai play his astounding instrument, the Tenori-on, TONIGHT at Southpaw (125 Fifth Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn). The show is FREE and starts at 8:00 p.m. For…

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Bike Rack Design Competition

The New York City Department of Transportation, in conjunction with Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum, announced an international design competition for bike parking in New York City. With support from…

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Arnold Schwartzman at Parsons this Thursday

Academy award winning director and world famous graphic designer Arnold Schwartzman will be visitng Jessica Weber’s class in room D-1009 (8 E 16th St., 10th floor) at 10:15 a.m. this Thursday,…

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Mobile Geographies

Mobile Geographies was a project that aimed to create a platform for the production and dissemination of geo-tagged urban information – including historical facts, individual experiences, neighborhood statistics, planning information and…

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Making Wireless Toys

Making Wireless Toys was a Collaborative Studio which designed, sewed, and soldered interactive soft toys. It looked at, surveyed, play-tested, and dissected mainstream and designer toys. The class will focus specifically…

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Print Magazine Website Redesign

PRINT magazine’s website,, was designed in a collaborative studio class led by full-time faculty Andrea Dezsö. (Quote below is from Print’s website in 2005) “PRINT is proud to present its…

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