Tag Archives: barbara berry

Der Spiegel Exhibition at Parsons Illustration


In conjunction with the upcoming PICTURING POLITICS symposium, the Illustration Program at Parsons The New School for Design invites you to a reception for an exhibition of illustrated covers for Der Spiegel magazine this coming Friday, November 14th, at 6 p.m. The reception will be held at the Parsons Illustration lobby at 2 W 13th street, 8th floor, and the exhibit will be on view until November 30th.

Der Spiegel is one of the most significant political magazines in Europe. It was founded in Germany in 1947, only two years after the fall of the Nazi regime, and it marked the beginning of a liberal era in Germany.

Since its beginning, Der Spiegel has employed some of the world’s most talented illustrators and caricaturists. The exhibition this Friday will feature illustrated covers from various decades – covers that give witness to Germany’s reconstruction after WWII, its political division during the Cold War, and finally, to the realities it has faced since its reunification, as a nation in a global world.

Please join us and Barbara Berry from Der Spiegel for this event on Friday.

Der Spiegel Illustrated Covers
Illustration Department
2 W. 13th, 8th floor lobby
Reception: November 14th, 6 p.m.