New York Comics & Picture-story Symposium for Nov. 4th

The sixty-fifth meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 7:00 PM at Parsons The New School, 2 West 13th Street, in the Bark Room (off the lobby). Free and open to the public.

Presenters: Amy Kurzweil and Charlie Boatner
Moderaters: Nick Sousanis and Tom Motley

Amy Kurzweil on Decaying Sense: How comics compose memory. Chris Ware intuits that “comics is a possible metaphor for memory and recollection,” while Art Spiegelman asserts that “comics work the way the brain works…past, present, and future all butted up against each other – the perfect medium for depicting memory.” As a prose-writer and a comics-creator concerned with depicting the past and the inner lives of my characters, I wondered: what is unique about comics’ ability to map memory? As part of my graduate thesis here at The New School, I turned a critical eye to form. Join me as I analyze comic pages – from the work of great masters to the sketches public school children – asking: what, specifically, do comics afford in the timeless task of putting the past on the page?

Amy Kurzweil is an emerging cartoonist and fiction writer. She graduated from The New School’s MFA writing program in May of 2013. She was Norman Mailer Fellow for fiction writing this past summer, and she was recently short-listed for the Posen Foundation’s Writing Fellowship for her graphic-memoir in progress, Flying Couch. The memoir, her graduate thesis, tells the story of three generations of women in her family. Amy has drawn 152 of the 280 pages of her book – but it’s not like she’s counting or anything. When Amy is not writing or drawing, she teaches writing or drawing. Recovering from a stint in the public schools, Amy now teaches at FIT and Parson’s school of Art and Design History and Theory.

Charlie Boatner on How to Read a Comic Book. Comic books are easy to read, so it’s tempting to read them too quickly and miss much of what they have to offer. Charlie Boatner will demonstrate how comics graphics can be decoded to reveal theme and artist point-of-view, using techniques adapted from film analysis (particularly the study of Visual Style). He will illustrate his talk with two issues of the ground-breaking Green Lantern/Green Arrow series of the early 70s.
Charlie Boatner wrote his bachelor’s thesis on comic books in 1977. He went on to write stories for titles like Action, Marvel Fanfare, and Tales of Terror, as well as an article for The Comics Journal. With artist Steve Parkhouse, he created the graphic novel, The Hiding Place in 1990. From 2004 to 2010 Charlie answered children’s questions in the letters pages of DC Comics’ Scooby-Doo and Super Friends.


Student of the Week: Stephanie Tan

This week’s student of the week is Stephanie Tan. Primarily an illustrator, Stephanie is also a painter, an animator and paper craft artist.

Scroll down to view a sample of her work and artist statement:

Stephanie Tan, Spirit Gecko, Topics, Guy Billout


Stephanie Tan, Dinner for One, Beyond the Page, Noël Claro


Stephanie Tan, Polar Bear, Core Lab 3, Richard Borge


Artist Statement:

Stephanie Tan is an illustrator with a penchant for meticulous and repetitive work. She is greatly inspired by crafter culture, the DIY movement, and vintage nostalgia. She often turns to patterns and textiles for inspiration. She aims to convey a feeling of whimsy and wonder through the simplest use of line and color. Currently she is working on a body of paper sculptures, à la Mu Pan’s “origamu”.

To see more of Stephanie’s work, be sure to check out her website at:

Meet Omega Darling, Darling of Parsons Alums!

Omega Darling is an animation and visual effects company with a serious Parsons connection! Four out of their seven team members are Parsons alums, and the founder, Zach Shukan, taught CG courses here as well.

Jassiel McBride (Animator) – Illustration 2014
Mangus Atom (Lead CG) – DT 2012
Adrian Smith (Associate Art Director) – Illustration 2013
Alexander Smith (Art Director) – Illustration 2012
Zach Shukan – (Founder) – Parsons CG Teacher 2008-2012

You may recognize the names of Adrian and Alex Smith from a previous post about their short film.

Find out more about who they all are and what they do on their sizzle reel! Oh and, they’re currently looking for interns! 

A sampling of their clients, below.

NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium 10/28

The NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium Presents : JOE KUBERT: A VisuaLecture by Arlen Schumer

Monday, October 28, 2013
7:00 PM
Parsons The New School
2 West 13th Street, in the Bark Room (off the lobby)
Free and open to the public.

“As we look back 500 years ago on the Renaissance masters of figurative art like Michelangelo and Raphael, so too will future art historians 500 years from now look back on an artistic giant who walked the earth in our time, a graphic artist nonpareil who made pen and brush marks like no one on earth before or after him: the one, the only . . . Joe Kubert (1926-2012)! Kubert entered the comic book field in the 1940s as a teenager drawing for DC Comics, and then went on to become one of the legendary figures of the medium, whose style is unmistakable and unforgettable, the most expressive pen-and-brush comic book artist of his generation.From his quintessential Hawkman and Sgt. Rock features, to his definitive rendition of Tarzan in the 1970s, to the many graphic novels he created in his later career, this singular stylist is showcased via super-graphic comic book panel and page projections that put the “visual” in “VisuaLecture.”” – Arlen Schumer

Arlen Schumer is a member of The Society of Illustrators, creating comic book-style illustrations for advertising and editorial usage, and one of the foremost historians of comic book art—his book The Silver Age of Comic Book Art won the Independent Publishers Award for Best Popular Culture Book of 2003. He is a recognized expert in Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone and the music of Bruce Springsteen and lectures on these and other pop culture subjects at universities and cultural institutions nationwide.



Peter de Seve will be lecturing in the Lang Student Center (2nd Floor, 55 West 13th Street, Arnold Hall) at 12:30  Peter is a Parsons Illustration Alum and a well known illustrator.  Check out his website here:  This will be a great lecture!
Screen Shot 2013-10-17 at 4.41.53 PM
Also we have Painter/Illustrator Rachel Pontious coming on 10/23 at 12:30 to speak about her work. We are working on a location for this talk.

AIGA/NY @ Parsons: It’s Nice That: Championing Creativity Across the World


A limited number of complimentary tickets are available for New School students, faculty, and staff (NSU ID required). 

CLICK HERE FOR RESERVATIONS. The reservation system will shut down once we have reached capacity. 


Tishman Auditorium
Lobby, 66 West 12th Street

Thursday, October 3, 2013
6:30PM Check-in
7:00-8:30PM Presentation

In April of 2007 Alex Bec and Will Hudson founded It’s Nice That, a publishing platform who’s mission is to champion creativity across the art and design world. Join us as Alex and Will discuss their journey from setting up shop in university, gaining over 350,000 monthly readers which then lead them to open INT Works, their creative agency. They will share their unique experience in how they create content from a local to global scale, how they structure their operation and interact, both commercially for clients and publishing across many different mediums.

After founding It’s Nice That in 2007, Will now oversees the running of all aspects of the company.

ALEX BEC, Director
Alex joined as director in 2008 and oversees the running of their sister agency INT Works.

Parsons Illustration Alum and Stephen Lang team up on short film

Twin brothers Adrian and Alexander Smith have enjoyed learning about the history of the Civil War since they were children. The Smith brothers were history majors at the New Mexico Military Institute and for a time even considered joining the United States military. They always had a passion for drawing and when Alexander came to Parsons to study the art of illustration in 2008, Adrian followed a year later. Now as recent Parsons Illustration graduates, the Smith twins combined their passion for history and military with their love of art to direct the animated short film “The Wheatfield,” a historic fictional take on the Battle of Gettysburg. The film premiered at the Visitor Center in Gettysburg, PA, on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Read more from New School Free Press

Alexander and Adrian Smith stand by the film’s poster at its premiere.

Alexander and Adrian Smith stand by the film’s poster at its premiere.

Stephen Lang (center) poses with some of the production team members at Omega Darling.

Stephen Lang (center) poses with some of the production team members at Omega Darling.